PDF Kaufvertrag

IT industry

My ultimate solution for secure second-hand shops!

I am the first on the market with an app that offers legally verified sales contract templates and receipts for second-hand items. My template companion is your indispensable partner, wherever you are!

Whether you're buying or selling a used bike, electronics, furniture or other items, our app makes the process simple and secure.

With PDF purchase contract you can:

- Create legally verified sales contracts and receipts quickly and easily.
- Protect yourself from fraud and disputes by making clear agreements.
- legally secure your transactions and obtain proof of ownership.
- Save time and money by using professional templates.

Whether you're an experienced seller or buyer, or trading a second-hand item for the first time, my app makes the process stress-free and secure.

You can find us at these events

Which events will we be attending in 2024?

We are looking forward to the first ITCS in Berlin! Here, too, you can expect a great programme all about the IT world with lots of specials and plenty of tech jobs!

What can you look forward to?

Which lectures do we give?

Vom Uber-Fahrer zum Programmierer: Mein Betrugserlebnis & meine App

Lasst mich euch meine außergewöhnliche Reise als ehemaliger Uber-Fahrer und selbst gelernter Programmierer erzählen. Ich habe mir das Programmieren eigenständig beigebracht, ohne die Hilfe von Chat GPT. Nach einem Betrugserlebnis entschied ich mich, meine eigene App namens PDF KAUFVERTRAG komplett alleine zu entwickeln und auf den Markt zu bringen.

Abbas Berjaoui, founder and developer of the app PDF purchase agreement


Who are our speakers?

Abbas Berjaoui

Founder and developer of the app PDF purchase agreement

Here you can find all presentations again

Our lectures as vod

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Here you can find our podcast episodes


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