General Terms and Conditions between the ITCS Conference GmbH (hereinafter referred to as ITCS GmbH) and the exhibitor on the rental of exhibitor space, provision of an online trade fair & conference solution and other work & services as well as other services relating to the exhibitor's trade fair presence or online presence.

§ 1 Scope of application

  1. The general terms and conditions of the exhibitor shall only apply insofar as they coincide with the general terms and conditions of the organiser. In the event of conflicting general terms and conditions of the exhibitor, the general law shall apply.

§ 2 Conclusion of contract

Contracts are concluded by the order confirmation or in the form of a commercial letter of confirmation by ITCS GmbH.

§ 3 Exhibitor spaces / Allocation

  1. Space requests and their assurances require the prior authorisation of ITCS GmbH, the written form and are only possible in exceptional cases.
  2. ITCS GmbH does not grant any protection against competition.
  3. ITCS GmbH alone shall decide on stand allocation to the best of its knowledge and belief. The exhibitor has no influence on this. Special requests for stand allocation must be made in writing as set out in a.
  4. The exhibitor is prohibited from accommodating co-exhibitors at his stand without the prior written authorisation of ITCS GmbH.
  5. In the case of joint use of an exhibition space, both exhibitors are jointly and severally liable.
  6. The main exhibitor is responsible for passing on safety instructions and information regarding the trade fair presentation and the underlying contracts and regulations.

§ 4 Invoicing / terms of payment / dunning process

  1. Invoices are due within 14 days of the invoice date.
  2. If you would like a different payment term, please contact us at any time.
  3. In the event of default, reminder fees of €10 will be charged, with additional default interest of 5 % above the base rate on the amount due.
  4. Further damage caused by delay can be claimed and remains unaffected by this.
  5. Offsetting is only possible if the exhibitor's legally confirmed counterclaims have been established and these originate from the same contractual relationship with which they are being offset.

§ 5 Liability

  1. ITCS GmbH shall be liable for all damages only in the event of intent or gross negligence.
  2. ITCS GmbH shall be liable for material contractual obligations in accordance with the law.

§ 6 Force majeure

If ITCS GmbH is not responsible for a possible evacuation of the exhibitor areas or a cancellation of the event due to force majeure, the exhibitor cannot derive any rights from this, in particular no claims for damages. If it is not possible to hold the event for good cause, e.g. due to an official order or force majeure, ITCS GmbH shall be entitled to postpone the event in terms of time and/or location and to switch to another medium in order to fulfil its obligation to perform.

§ 7 Exhibition operation / assembly and dismantling

  1. The General Terms and Conditions of the event venue also apply to exhibition operations.
  2. Assembly must take place by 20:00 on the evening before or within the time window specified on the day of the event, dismantling on the same day of the last day of the trade fair. Any deviations must be made in writing.

§ 8 Special authorisations

The following measures require special written approval by the organiser ITCS GmbH:

    1. Distribution of advertising material on the exhibition grounds outside the stand.
    2. The affixing of third-party advertising materials.
    3. Catering in the gastronomic sense.
    4. The use and installation of new media products, in particular plasma TVs, video projectors and screens of all kinds.
    5. Causing noise through loudspeaker systems.
    6. The organisation of competitions g. Taking photographs and making other image or sound recordings h. GEMA fees shall only be borne by the organiser if agreed in writing.

§ 9 Exhibitors' and employees' labelling requirements

Exhibitors and their employees must wear exhibitor identification visible to third parties.

§ 10 Cancellation periods and costs:

  1. Orders cancelled up to 9 months before the start of the trade fair will be invoiced at 25% of the invoice amount.
  2. Orders cancelled up to 6 months before the start of the trade fair will be invoiced at 50% of the invoice amount.
  3. Orders cancelled up to 2 months before the start of the trade fair will be invoiced at 75% of the invoice amount.
  4. Orders cancelled up to the day of the start of the trade fair or later will be invoiced at 90% of the invoice amount.

§ 11 Final provisions

  1. The exhibitor contract is concluded with the registration or order confirmation, at the latest with the commercial confirmation letter.
  2. Frankfurt is agreed as the place of jurisdiction.
  3. Amendments, supplements and collateral agreements must be made in writing.
  4. Any amendment to these provisions - in particular the written form clause - must be made in writing

§ 12 Severability clause

Should one or more provisions of the contract be invalid, the general law shall apply. The contract is then not null and void, but continues to apply without the invalid clause(s).

General Terms and Conditions - AGBs of ITCS Conference GmbH

- Local Court Frankfurt -

HRB: 100679 Meisengasse 11, 60313 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 (0) 69 - 21 00 40 - 17 

Managing Directors: Philipp Umbeck & Rachid Fennan