Die Helferei

IT industry

We are the Helping handa Impact tech startup. Our vision: to strengthen social cohesion in our society by improving the participation of many people. Because when would be a better time than now?

    • How? We are bringing what we used to know from the village community into the modern age: reliable and uncomplicated help from next door that promotes interpersonal encounters.
    • What? Our solution is an innovative matching platform for household and everyday services. We match within neighbourhoods, soon on all channels and also offer "social impact" for our service providers.
    • Where do we stand? We successfully launched our MVP in January. We are currently funded by the Berlin Startup Scholarship in the Avant Now Impact Accelerator to take Helferei to the next level.

We are looking forward to motivated supporters who will help us build our start-up together.

You can find us at these events

Which events will we be attending in 2024?

We are looking forward to the first ITCS in Berlin! Here, too, you can expect a great programme all about the IT world with lots of specials and plenty of tech jobs!

Here you can find all presentations again

Our lectures as vod

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Here you can find our podcast episodes


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