IT industry

As experienced SAP consultants and SCM experts, we have been supporting companies in Germany and abroad since 1997. Our customers come from the automotive, mechanical engineering and process industries and entrust us with demanding SAP projects. Why? Small teams and great expertise - straightforward in our approach and flexible in our implementation - this is how we digitalise and optimise processes and planning strategies. Our focus is on solutions that get our customers to their destination quickly and in a user-friendly way.

You can find us at these events

Which events will we be attending in 2024?

We are looking forward to the first ITCS in Berlin! Here, too, you can expect a great programme all about the IT world with lots of specials and plenty of tech jobs!

What can you look forward to?

Which lectures do we give?

ITCS Berlin 24 May 2024

Die Evolution in der SAP-Beratung: Rollenwandel des Beraters durch KI-Anwendung in Transformationsprojekten

Im CONSILIO Tech Talk beschäftigen wir uns mit den neuen Herausforderung eines SAP-Consultants in den verschiedenen Phasen eines SAP-Transformationsprojektes. In Zeiten des stetigen technologischen Fortschritts sowie der rasanten Weiterentwicklung der KI, unterliegt auch das Kompetenzprofil eines Beraters oder einer Beraterin einer notwendigen Transformation. In einem interaktiven Austausch erarbeiten wir gemeinsam, auf welche Faktoren es ankommt und wie die CONSILIO Transformationsprojekte mithilfe von menschlichen Kompetenzen und KI zum Erfolg führt.

Holger Dunkel, Partner FICO

Holger Dunkel

Who are our speakers?

Holger Dunkel

Partner FICO

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