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Du betreust eigenverantwortlich mit deinem Team die mehr als 100 Windowsserver der ILB. Durch dein Fachwissen sorgst du aus dem Blickwinkel der IT für den reibungslosen und sicheren Ablauf und stellst somit die Verfügbarkeit der Systeme für die ILB-Beschäftigten sicher. Auf Störungen reagierst du schnellstmöglich und stellst Lösungen bereit. Gleichzeitig treibst du Optimierungen im Rahmen spannender Projekte zur Verlagerung von Anwendungen in die Azure Cloud mit voran.
You can look forward to these main tasks
You have these skills
Job evaluation
Tariff group 9
We are endeavouring to increase the proportion of women in this function and remuneration level. Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome.
Our offer - your benefits:
In principle, it is possible to fill the position part-time.
We look forward to receiving your application!
For this job offer, please submit your complete application documents (letter of motivation, CV, relevant certificates) online via our applicant portal.
Severely disabled applicants with equal qualifications will be given preferential consideration when filling the position in our financial institution.
Your contact in the recruitment team
Ina Schmidt
+49 (331) 6601142
Du betreust eigenverantwortlich mit deinem Team die mehr als 100 Windowsserver der ILB. Durch dein Fachwissen sorgst du aus dem Blickwinkel der IT für den reibungslosen und sicheren Ablauf und stellst somit die Verfügbarkeit der Systeme für die ILB-Beschäftigten sicher. Auf Störungen reagierst du schnellstmöglich und stellst Lösungen bereit. Gleichzeitig treibst du Optimierungen im Rahmen spannender Projekte zur Verlagerung von Anwendungen in die Azure Cloud mit voran.
You can look forward to these main tasks
You have these skills
Job evaluation
Tariff group 9
We are endeavouring to increase the proportion of women in this function and remuneration level. Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome.
Our offer - your benefits:
In principle, it is possible to fill the position part-time.
We look forward to receiving your application!
For this job offer, please submit your complete application documents (letter of motivation, CV, relevant certificates) online via our applicant portal.
Severely disabled applicants with equal qualifications will be given preferential consideration when filling the position in our financial institution.
Your contact in the recruitment team
Ina Schmidt
+49 (331) 6601142
"The ILB - the Investment Bank of the State of Brandenburg - is the central development institution for the Brandenburg region. Together, we advise, promote and support people, companies and public bodies (e.g. municipalities) in the realisation of their plans and projects in the areas of business, employment, infrastructure and housing. We work together for the future of our region. Every ILB employee supports, for example, the businesses next door, the cinema around the corner, their favourite forest or the digital equipment for their grandchildren's school with their own work, thereby creating jobs, further training opportunities, living space and attractive, liveable towns and communities. Working at ILB is doubly rewarding. Firstly, because we are doing something worthwhile. Secondly, because as a solid medium-sized company, we can offer our employees a lot."
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