Accso Accelerated Solutions GmbH


IT industry

Software engineering is our passion. Our focus is on sophisticated, customised software solutions for and with our customers. From consulting, planning and design to implementation, we support our customers on their path to digital transformation.

Since Accso was founded in 2010, we have been supporting customers from various industries at the following five locations: Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Cologne, Munich and Cape Town. We have now realised more than 2000 successful customer projects and do what we do best: Making the world a little bit better with software. Join us in making the world a little better!

You can find us at these events

Which events will we be attending in 2024?

Welcome to Frankfurt, the heart of the financial world! An outstanding IT job fair with top speakers, innovative tech presentations and leading companies awaits you at Messe Frankfurt. Frankfurt offers the perfect backdrop for business and technology.
In April we welcome you to the darmstadtium! Here, too, you can expect a great programme all about the IT world with lots of specials and plenty of tech jobs!
We look forward to welcoming you to Cologne on 13 September. Here, too, you can expect a great programme all about the IT world with lots of specials and plenty of tech jobs!
We welcome you back to Munich on 25 October! Here, too, you can expect a great programme all about the IT world with lots of specials and plenty of tech jobs!
We invite you to the Silicon Valley of South Hesse! Experience fascinating tech talks, inspiring speakers and meet leading companies in the industry at darmstadtium. In Darmstadt, science and technology merge into a unique event.

What can you look forward to?

Which lectures do we give?

ITCS Frankfurt 29.11.2024 Recap

Messbar grüner werden - Messen der Energieeffizienz von Code

Sei es der Klimawandel, die derzeitige Energieknappheit oder steigende Energiepreise, es gibt viele Gründe in allen Bereichen der Gesellschaft CO2 zu vermeiden. Software spielt eine zentrale Rolle in allen Lebensbereichen, während der Energieverbrauch im Bereich der IT stetig steigt. Energiemessungen in den Entwicklungsprozess integriert und Ressourcenbewusst zu entwickeln wird zunehmend wichtig. Wie kann ressourcensparende Softwareentwicklung zum Energiesparen beitragen und was ist grüner Code?

Kollin Freise, Software Developer


Who are our speakers?

Kollin Freise

Software Developer

Here you can find all presentations again

Our lectures as vod

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Messbar grüner werden - Messen der Energieeffizienz von Code

  • Tech Talk
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Embrace the Strangler: Meine tägliche Arbeit als Software Entwickler. Spaß an Legacy mit erfolgreichen Migrationsstrategien

  • Tech Talk
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Morpheus x Kollin Freise I ITCS Köln I Interview

  • Keynote
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Wie das Land NRW KI einsetzt, um freie Informationen besser verfügbar zu machen

  • Tech Talk
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Grüner Code für eine nachhaltige Zukunft? Techniken und Methoden für den Weg zu „grüner“ Software.

  • Green IT
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Die digitalisierte Organspende - Software für eine bessere Welt

  • Tech Talk
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Mit NoSQL zum Erfolg - Graphdatenbanken in der Praxis

  • Tech Talk
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Grüner wird's nicht? Doch! Green IT und ressourceneffiziente Software

  • Green IT
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Die digitalisierte Organspende

  • Tech Talk

Here you can find our podcast episodes


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