BBQ - Baumann Education and Qualification GmbH

BBQ offers a wide range of training courses, which we are constantly developing to meet the requirements of the Hamburg labour market. With our certified Retraining, further training, language courses and coaching you can significantly improve your chances of finding a good job in Hamburg. With us, you take centre stage. Together, we'll find out what you're made of and design a path to achieve your goals. With our experience since 1998 and your potential, we can achieve anything. We will get you ahead:

  • 95% of all BBQ participants achieve their educational goal
  • 4 out of 5 graduates quickly find a new job afterwards

Our focus in Hamburg:

  1. Further training in nursing (part-time)
  2. Further training for technical caretakers (full-time)
  3. Retraining as a medical assistant (full-time and part-time)
  4. Retraining as an IT specialist (full and part-time)
    1. System integration
    2. Application development
    3. Data and process analysis

BBQ offers a wide range of training courses, which we are constantly developing to meet the requirements of the Hamburg labour market. With our certified Retraining, further training, language courses and coaching you can significantly improve your chances of finding a good job in Hamburg. With us, you take centre stage. Together, we'll find out what you're made of and design a path to achieve your goals. With our experience since 1998 and your potential, we can achieve anything. We will get you ahead:

  • 95% of all BBQ participants achieve their educational goal
  • 4 out of 5 graduates quickly find a new job afterwards

Our focus in Hamburg:

  1. Further training in nursing (part-time)
  2. Further training for technical caretakers (full-time)
  3. Retraining as a medical assistant (full-time and part-time)
  4. Retraining as an IT specialist (full and part-time)
    1. System integration
    2. Application development
    3. Data and process analysis

About the company

Number of employees


Head office

Wendenstraße 25, Hamburg


Upcoming events

You can find BBQ - Baumann Bildung und Qualifizierung GmbH at the following events in 2025

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Current jobs

There are 0 Jobs with BBQ - Baumann Education and Qualification GmbH. Take a look at other jobs available at BBQ - Baumann Education and Qualification GmbH to.

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Upcoming lectures

There are 0 Lectures from BBQ - Baumann Education and Qualification GmbH.

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Info on trade fairs

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Current jobs

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Information on lectures

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Lectures 2024

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Information about our speakers

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