DATEV eG is the third-largest provider of business software in Germany (IDC Ranking 2023) and one of the largest European IT service providers. Founded in 1966, the cooperative of the tax consulting profession achieved a turnover of 1.44 billion euros in the 2023 financial year. With its software, cloud solutions and expertise, the Nuremberg-based company provides the basis for digital collaboration between SMEs and the tax advisors who take care of the business management needs of companies. Through this community, DATEV supports a total of 2.8 million companies, self-employed people, local authorities, associations and institutions. With around 8,900 employees, the company guides more than 620,000 customers through the digitalisation of their commercial processes as a partner. Data protection, data security and tax compliance have top priority.

DATEV eG is the third-largest provider of business software in Germany (IDC Ranking 2023) and one of the largest European IT service providers. Founded in 1966, the cooperative of the tax consulting profession achieved a turnover of 1.44 billion euros in the 2023 financial year. With its software, cloud solutions and expertise, the Nuremberg-based company provides the basis for digital collaboration between SMEs and the tax advisors who take care of the business management needs of companies. Through this community, DATEV supports a total of 2.8 million companies, self-employed people, local authorities, associations and institutions. With around 8,900 employees, the company guides more than 620,000 customers through the digitalisation of their commercial processes as a partner. Data protection, data security and tax compliance have top priority.

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How generative AI is shaping our future - opportunities, risks and changing professional fields

Generative KI ist eine neue Technologie mit dem Potenzial, unsere Welt grundlegend zu verändern. In dieser Keynote beleuchten wir die Chancen und Risiken dieser Technologie und erkunden, wie sie verschiedene Berufsfelder im Wandel beeinflusst.

Matthias Seiller

  • HR Learning

Generative AI in practice - experimenting with prompting challenges

In diesem Workshop lernen Sie die Grundlagen von Prompting kennen und experimentieren selbst mit generativen KI-Modellen. In aufeinander aufbauenden Challenges erkunden Sie verschiedene Anwendungsfälle und Techniken.

Matthias Seiller

  • HR Learning

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Matthias Seiller

  • HR Learning
  • DATEV eG

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