Start your career at a bank where you can successfully shape your personal future and the future of the cooperative banks. DZ BANK is the second largest commercial bank in Germany, the central institution of the Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken cooperative financial network, the central bank for more than 700 German cooperative banks and the holding company for the companies in the DZ BANK Group. We are an efficient and reliable employer that will challenge you with demanding tasks and help you develop. With room to realise innovative ideas using modern methods. With a trusting working environment in which courageous lateral thinking and foresight are valued. But above all with a collaborative partnership - because we shape success together, with you too.

Start your career at a bank where you can successfully shape your personal future and the future of the cooperative banks. DZ BANK is the second largest commercial bank in Germany, the central institution of the Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken cooperative financial network, the central bank for more than 700 German cooperative banks and the holding company for the companies in the DZ BANK Group. We are an efficient and reliable employer that will challenge you with demanding tasks and help you develop. With room to realise innovative ideas using modern methods. With a trusting working environment in which courageous lateral thinking and foresight are valued. But above all with a collaborative partnership - because we shape success together, with you too.

Company information

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Upcoming events

You will find DZ BANK AG at the following events in 2025

We invite you to the Silicon Valley of South Hesse! Experience fascinating tech talks, inspiring speakers and meet leading companies in the industry at darmstadtium. In Darmstadt, science and technology merge into a unique event.

Upcoming lectures

There are 2 Lectures from DZ BANK AG.

From inspiration to success: New horizons for career development at DZ BANK

Als technologisch führende Bank bietet die DZ BANK moderne und innovative Perspektiven für deine berufliche Entfaltung. In ihrem Fireside Chat laden dich Saskia und Anica ein, inspirierende Ideen für deine Karriereentwicklung zu sammeln. Erlebe, wie fachliche Exzellenz mit individuell gestalteten Entwicklungspfaden bei der DZ BANK verknüpft werden, um neue Perspektiven aufzuzeigen.0

Saskia Geilenkirchen

  • Group Reporting Expert, Co-Chairwoman of DZ BANK's women's network "Das NetZ"

Anica Heberling

  • Group Leader IT DevOps

From traditional IT to cloud computing - DZ Bank's successful migration

Wie hat die DZ Bank den Wandel zur Cloud gemeistert? Früher setzte man auf klassische On-Premise-Systeme mit hohen Wartungskosten und begrenzter Skalierbarkeit. Cloud Computing hingegen bietet mehr Flexibilität, Automatisierung und schnellere Prozesse.

Der Wechsel erfordert jedoch mehr als nur technologische Anpassungen – Strategie und Sicherheit spielen eine zentrale Rolle. Wie die DZ BANK diesen Transformationsprozess erfolgreich umgesetzt hat, erfahrt ihr hier.

Tim Harpe

  • Cloud Architect

Alexander Gerhold

  • Cloud Engineer

Trade fair information

You can find us at these events

We invite you to the Silicon Valley of South Hesse! Experience fascinating tech talks, inspiring speakers and meet leading companies in the industry at darmstadtium. In Darmstadt, science and technology merge into a unique event.

Current jobs

There are 3 Jobs.

Lecture information

What can you look forward to?

From inspiration to success: New horizons for career development at DZ BANK

Als technologisch führende Bank bietet die DZ BANK moderne und innovative Perspektiven für deine berufliche Entfaltung. In ihrem Fireside Chat laden dich Saskia und Anica ein, inspirierende Ideen für deine Karriereentwicklung zu sammeln. Erlebe, wie fachliche Exzellenz mit individuell gestalteten Entwicklungspfaden bei der DZ BANK verknüpft werden, um neue Perspektiven aufzuzeigen.0

Saskia Geilenkirchen

  • Group Reporting Expert, Co-Chairwoman of DZ BANK's women's network "Das NetZ"

Anica Heberling

  • Group Leader IT DevOps

From traditional IT to cloud computing - DZ Bank's successful migration

Wie hat die DZ Bank den Wandel zur Cloud gemeistert? Früher setzte man auf klassische On-Premise-Systeme mit hohen Wartungskosten und begrenzter Skalierbarkeit. Cloud Computing hingegen bietet mehr Flexibilität, Automatisierung und schnellere Prozesse.

Der Wechsel erfordert jedoch mehr als nur technologische Anpassungen – Strategie und Sicherheit spielen eine zentrale Rolle. Wie die DZ BANK diesen Transformationsprozess erfolgreich umgesetzt hat, erfahrt ihr hier.

Tim Harpe

  • Cloud Architect

Alexander Gerhold

  • Cloud Engineer

Lectures 2024

Here you can find our past lectures incl. video

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Speaker Info

Alexander Gerhold

  • Cloud Engineer

Anica Heberling

  • Group Leader IT DevOps

Saskia Geilenkirchen

  • Group Reporting Expert, Co-Chairwoman of DZ BANK's women's network "Das NetZ"

Tim Harpe

  • Cloud Architect

Our media library

Here you can find presentations from past events


You can find exciting podcast episodes here

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