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At the beginning of the 1980s, female entrepreneurship was still hardly an issue; it was therefore unusual to campaign for it. The "Frauenbetriebe" association, as jumpp was then known, started out as a pioneer in this field. Its aim was to emphasise the quality of women-owned businesses and to encourage women to develop independent living and working models.
Much has improved since the early years. However, we are still a long way from reaching our goal. The purpose of the association has not yet been achieved: to overcome the discrimination of women in the labour market and to ensure equal participation of women in Germany's economic power. We therefore continue to act as a trailblazer.
Even though our goal has remained unchanged, we are constantly adapting our methods and services to changing conditions. Especially today, in the structurally changed start-up scene, the diversity of self-employment requires specific and modern concepts: In the spirit of equality, jumpp has also been advising men since 2010.
At the beginning of the 1980s, female entrepreneurship was still hardly an issue; it was therefore unusual to campaign for it. The "Frauenbetriebe" association, as jumpp was then known, started out as a pioneer in this field. Its aim was to emphasise the quality of women-owned businesses and to encourage women to develop independent living and working models.
Much has improved since the early years. However, we are still a long way from reaching our goal. The purpose of the association has not yet been achieved: to overcome the discrimination of women in the labour market and to ensure equal participation of women in Germany's economic power. We therefore continue to act as a trailblazer.
Even though our goal has remained unchanged, we are constantly adapting our methods and services to changing conditions. Especially today, in the structurally changed start-up scene, the diversity of self-employment requires specific and modern concepts: In the spirit of equality, jumpp has also been advising men since 2010.
You can find jumpp - Frauenbetriebe e.V. at the following events in 2025
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ResetIn diesem Vortrag erfährst Du, warum Diversität in der Entwicklung von KI-Anwendungen entscheidend ist. Inspirierende Geschichten und Einblicke zeigen, wie Frauen die Zukunft mit KI gestalten und was sie brauchen, um erfolgreich zu sein. Dabei teilt Heidi Wiegert auch die Erfahrungen aus verschiedenen KI-Projekten für Frauen, die jumpp bereits durchgeführt hat, und erklärt, welche Chancen der Einstieg in den KI-Bereich bietet.
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ResetDie Technologiebranche bietet zahlreiche Karrieremöglichkeiten, doch Frauen sind hier nach wie vor unterrepräsentiert. In diesem Vortrag schauen wir uns gemeinsam an, wie Gründerinnen und Unternehmerinnen in diesem Bereich Fuß fassen und erfolgreich sein können. Welche Herausforderungen Female Entrepreneurs haben und welche Lösungsansätze es bereits gibt. Wie Fempreneurs die digitale Zukunft mitgestalten können und wie wichtig Role Models sind.
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