Never Code Alone (NCA) is revolutionising the way development teams work together. As pioneers in pair programming and remote consulting, we optimise your development processes.
Our flagship programme, NCA Ruhr Refactoring, combines training with practical consulting. Our experts work on your projects in remote sessions. The result: cleaner code, more efficient processes, motivated developers.
We offer more than just training. The NCA Talent Connector strengthens your employer brand and helps you attract talent. Our community events promote networking and knowledge sharing.
At the stand you will learn how we:
- Improve your code base through refactoring
- Integrate test-driven development
- Strengthening corporate culture through pair programming
- Optimise your employer branding
Experience pair programming demos and discuss best practices with our experts.
Never Code Alone (NCA) is revolutionising the way development teams work together. As pioneers in pair programming and remote consulting, we optimise your development processes.
Our flagship programme, NCA Ruhr Refactoring, combines training with practical consulting. Our experts work on your projects in remote sessions. The result: cleaner code, more efficient processes, motivated developers.
We offer more than just training. The NCA Talent Connector strengthens your employer brand and helps you attract talent. Our community events promote networking and knowledge sharing.
At the stand you will learn how we:
- Improve your code base through refactoring
- Integrate test-driven development
- Strengthening corporate culture through pair programming
- Optimise your employer branding
Experience pair programming demos and discuss best practices with our experts.
You will find Never Code Alone at the following events in 2025
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ResetTauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz – ganz ohne Programmierkenntnisse! In diesem interaktiven Talk zeigen ich euch, wie ihr mit Hugging Face und kostenlosen Open Source AI-Tools direkt im Browser experimentieren könnt.
Ihr lernt, wie einfach es ist, eigene erste KI-Projekte zu starten und welche spannenden Möglichkeiten sich dir eröffnen. Ob Textgenerierung, Bildanalyse oder Spracherkennung – nach diesem Talk bist du bereit, deine eigenen KI-Abenteuer zu beginnen!
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ResetEntdecke, wie du mit kostenlosen Browser-Tools zum gefragten Web-Accessibility-Experten wirst! In diesem spannenden Talk lernst du, wie du Websites barrierefrei gestaltest und dabei auch noch Geld verdienen kannst.
Wir tauchen ein in die Welt von Silktide und dem Axe-Plugin und zeigen dir, wie diese Tools deine Karriere als Beraterin in der digitalen Welt ankurbeln können.
Egal ob Einsteigerin oder Fortgeschrittene*r – dieser Talk öffnet dir die Tür zu einem zukunftsträchtigen Berufsfeld!
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