OctaVIA SAP expertise and industry knowledge
We are driving digital change, will you join us? We have been experts in project management and IT consulting for 27 years. We offer our DAX clients excellent industry expertise. With around 90 employees at our headquarters in Kassel and our office in Cologne, we map logistics, finance and insurance processes with all relevant SAP modules. Looking to the future, we are constantly investing in new talent and specialists. Together, we act on the basis of a sustainable vision.
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ResetSAP bietet mit seinen Cloud-Lösungen einen Wechsel zu modernsten Technologien an. Was lässt Kunden zögern und welcher Weg wird derzeit am häufigsten gewählt, um die Vorteile moderner Technologien zu nutzen und die eigenen Prozesse im Fokus zu behalten?
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