IT industry

With our values of honesty, joy, courage, performance, responsibility & respect, we at SySS make the world a little safer!

We, SySS GmbH, are an IT service provider specialising in IT security testing. Founded in 1998, we are now the market leader in the field of penetration testing and employ a team of around 175 people at four locations in Tübingen, Frankfurt am Main, Munich and Vienna. Our work focuses on hacking web applications and IT infrastructures of well-known customers of all sizes and industries, many of whom we have been advising for many years.

You can find us at these events

Which events will we be attending in 2024?

We welcome you back to Munich on 25 October! Here, too, you can expect a great programme all about the IT world with lots of specials and plenty of tech jobs!

What can you look forward to?

Which lectures do we give?

ITCS Munich 2024 Recap

Hacker's Guide to the Galaxy

Cybersicherheit ist allgegenwärtig, doch die Methoden der Hacker bleiben für viele ein Rätsel. Der IT-Security Consultant Andreas Grasser lüftet in seiner interaktiven Präsentation den Schleier und nimmt die Zuschauer mit auf eine unterhaltsame Reise durch das „Hacking-Universum“.
Dabei zeigt er den Weg eines Hackers – vom Identifizieren interessanter Ziele bis hin zur vollständigen Übernahme fremder Computer.

Andreas Grasser, IT Security Consultant


Who are our speakers?

Andreas Grasser

IT Security Consultant

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Hacker's Guide to the Galaxy

  • Tech Talk

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