
IT industry

DeepFile is an AI-powered & GDPR-compliant document search software ✨ It works locally and never sends your data anywhere. Browse your documents, localise sources, and find answers in seconds.

Our software powers up local document navigation with AI. DeepFile's search finds the correct version of a document and delivers answers from 200-page PDFs in seconds. Our software uses multiple large language models and speaks at least as many languages as its founding team. The built-in translator empowers expats to chat with complicated German documents in simple English. What sets us apart is the degree of autonomy and ease provided while running offline. The innovation of DeepFile lies in the new orchestration of several compact offline LLMs.

Our users keep full control!

You can find us at these events

Which events will we be attending in 2024?

We are looking forward to the first ITCS in Berlin! Here, too, you can expect a great programme all about the IT world with lots of specials and plenty of tech jobs!

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Our lectures as vod

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