Die Haftpflichtkasse

"Simple. Together. Happy. For 125 years. And in the future!
Our DNA is happiness. Because we work every day to make people a little happier. With insurance? Exactly! Because we at Haftpflichtkasse make sure that no one has to worry and enable real moments of happiness. We are specialised, appreciative and reliable. We set standards, strive for excellence and are always on an equal footing.

What else characterises us? The proximity to the people with whom we work and for whom we work. As a mutual insurance association, we emphasise the concept of community. Because we believe that the market serves the good of the people and not the other way round. We stand for stability, service and innovative products in the liability, household and accident sectors. Around 400 employees are currently working to ensure that our private and business customers are satisfied and "happy" with their insurance.<"

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