Digital Hive - Business Consulting GmbH

Digital Hive was founded in August 2022 to break new and unconventional ground in technology and management consulting. With our organisational model, we are the prototype of a holocratic consulting firm. We rely on autonomous and self-organised teams as well as decentralised responsibility structures.

By taking on roles, employees bear responsibility for the development and success of Digital Hive. In this way, we rely on both the individual potential and the collective intelligence of our employees. Market and technological developments are thus anticipated and utilised for the benefit of our customers. As an adaptive organism, we are subject to continuous development and can offer our clients truly transformative consulting services in the context of IT, business and strategy.

Digital Hive was founded in August 2022 to break new and unconventional ground in technology and management consulting. With our organisational model, we are the prototype of a holocratic consulting firm. We rely on autonomous and self-organised teams as well as decentralised responsibility structures.

By taking on roles, employees bear responsibility for the development and success of Digital Hive. In this way, we rely on both the individual potential and the collective intelligence of our employees. Market and technological developments are thus anticipated and utilised for the benefit of our customers. As an adaptive organism, we are subject to continuous development and can offer our clients truly transformative consulting services in the context of IT, business and strategy.


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There are 1 Lectures from Digital Hive - Business Consulting GmbH.

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Lectures 2024

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KRITIS update: A "triple whammy" for information security

Der Vortrag behandelt die Sicherheit kritischer Infrastrukturen, betont ihre essenzielle Rolle für das gesellschaftliche Funktionieren und geht auf aktuelle & vergangene Vorfälle ein. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die drei Schutzziele der Informationssicherheit gelegt: Integrität, Verfügbarkeit und Vertraulichkeit. Diese sind entscheidend für die Widerstandsfähigkeit und Vertrauenswürdigkeit kritischer Infrastrukturen gegenüber Bedrohungen wie Cyberangriffen und Naturkatastrophen. Dabei zielt der Vortrag darauf ab, das Bewusstsein für die Notwendigkeit einer robusten Sicherung dieser kritischen Systeme zu schärfen und ggf. erste Ansätze für eine verbesserte Sicherheit und Resilienz anzudiskutieren.

Joel Thiel

  • Protector of Information Security I Co-Founder

Information about our speakers

Joel Thiel

  • Protector of Information Security I Co-Founder
  • Digital Hive - Business Consulting GmbH

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