Artenglück GmbH

With Artenglück, we implement nature conservation measures within a maximum radius of 30 kilometres around your company's desired location. This allows you to get involved regionally and transparently for biodiversity right on your doorstep. You can get up close and personal at a team event and sow a flowering meadow, for example. IoT sensors and AI can be used to determine the species of flying insects and their biomass, which you can access in our customer portal and use for sustainability reports.

With Artenglück, we implement nature conservation measures within a maximum radius of 30 kilometres around your company's desired location. This allows you to get involved regionally and transparently for biodiversity right on your doorstep. You can get up close and personal at a team event and sow a flowering meadow, for example. IoT sensors and AI can be used to determine the species of flying insects and their biomass, which you can access in our customer portal and use for sustainability reports.

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There are 1 Lectures from Artenglück GmbH.

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Lectures 2024

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Smart Conservation: IT innovations for nature conservation projects

Was haben IT und Naturschutz miteinander zu tun? Im Vortrag erklärt Lara Boye vom Naturschutz Start Up Artenglück, warum innovative Technik dabei helfen kann, die Natur zu schützen.

Lara Boye

  • CEO & Co-Founder

Information about our speakers

Lara Boye

  • CEO & Co-Founder
  • Artenglück GmbH

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