
Work-life balance, fair salary, development opportunities, diversity. Sounds good? Then you've come to the right place! We are Vodafone, a leading telecommunications company with a mission to connect people and shape the world of digital communication. We want to drive digitalisation forward with services such as Internet, mobile communications, fixed network and TV as well as innovative technologies such as 5G and IoT. How we achieve this with a modern and open working culture. And, of course, with the best people on board. Apply now and become part of it!

Work-life balance, fair salary, development opportunities, diversity. Sounds good? Then you've come to the right place! We are Vodafone, a leading telecommunications company with a mission to connect people and shape the world of digital communication. We want to drive digitalisation forward with services such as Internet, mobile communications, fixed network and TV as well as innovative technologies such as 5G and IoT. How we achieve this with a modern and open working culture. And, of course, with the best people on board. Apply now and become part of it!

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IT career planning: opportunities and challenges

Wenn es um die Planung der beruflichen Karriere geht, tun wir uns alle schwer. Egal ob du Praktikant:in, Werkstudent:in, Berufseinsteiger:in oder bereits im Berufsleben angekommen bist: Der Weg ist holprig und gilt dennoch entdeckt zu werden. Denn wir können durch viele Entscheidungen unsere Karriere maßgeblich beeinflussen. Welche Rolle dabei ebenfalls Bildungsherkunft, Privilegien, Sozialisierung und der unerschütterliche Wille, die eigenen Ziele zu erreichen, spielen, verratet euch Mina Habsaoui in ihrem Vortrag.

Mina Habsaoui

  • Head of Group Middleware Platforms

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Mina Habsaoui

  • Head of Group Middleware Platforms
  • Vodafone

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