ReDI School of Digital Integration

The future is digital! Tech skills are needed both at home and at work.
ReDI School of Digital Integration is a non-profit tech school providing access to free digital education. We speed-up job market integration for newcomers and locals alike!

Since 2016, we offer a variety of courses; from Computer Basics to more advanced tech courses. Additionally, we offer a unique career programme including mentorship, career workshops, company visits, job matching and much more. A semester takes 3-4 months (part time) and the teachers are volunteer tech experts.

You can find us at these events

Which events will we be attending in 2024?

On 21 June, we welcome you to the Hamburg trade fair! Here, too, you can expect a great programme all about the IT world with lots of specials and plenty of tech jobs!
We look forward to welcoming you to Cologne on 13 September. Here, too, you can expect a great programme all about the IT world with lots of specials and plenty of tech jobs!
We welcome you back to Munich on 25 October! Here, too, you can expect a great programme all about the IT world with lots of specials and plenty of tech jobs!

What can you look forward to?

Which lectures do we give?

Migration und Arbeitsmarkt: Ein Erfahrungsbericht der ReDI School

Bei dieser Keynote wollen wir uns dem Thema Migration und Arbeitsmarkt widmen und dieses Thema nicht nur faktisch beleuchten, sondern durch den spezifischen Austausch mit einer ReDI School Alumni um eine subjektive Perspektive erweitern.

Clarissa Franziska Florentine Thelen, Volunteer Community Manager and Career Support


Who are our speakers?

Clarissa Franziska Florentine Thelen

Volunteer Community Manager and Career Support

Here you can find all presentations again

Our lectures as vod

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Migration und Arbeitsmarkt: Ein Erfahrungsbericht der ReDI School

  • Women in Tech
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Karrierewachstum Fördern: Ihre ReDI School Erfolgsgeschichte

  • Women in Tech

Here you can find our podcast episodes