
We make digital entertainment happen! Reaching millions of viewers and users each day is the basis of our success. We develop first-class products and take our technology to the next level every single day. We create real emotions among our viewers and consumers, understanding the pulse of our audience in order to create personalised and innovative solutions.

Be part of our truly diverse tech community of over 800 colleagues from more than 30 nations. Get inspired by creativity, empowered by an agile working culture and driven by team spirit. Collaborate with professionals from engineering, broadcasting technology, user experience and analytics, artificial intelligence, IT infrastructure, and ad technology to create great entertainment and commerce products that excite users and influence the lives of millions.

We make digital entertainment happen! Reaching millions of viewers and users each day is the basis of our success. We develop first-class products and take our technology to the next level every single day. We create real emotions among our viewers and consumers, understanding the pulse of our audience in order to create personalised and innovative solutions.

Be part of our truly diverse tech community of over 800 colleagues from more than 30 nations. Get inspired by creativity, empowered by an agile working culture and driven by team spirit. Collaborate with professionals from engineering, broadcasting technology, user experience and analytics, artificial intelligence, IT infrastructure, and ad technology to create great entertainment and commerce products that excite users and influence the lives of millions.

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GenAI-Enabling @ProSiebenSat.1 - How we built a reliable GenAI-Application with streamlit

Working with LLM provider APIs is like trying to build a sandcastle during high tide. Just when you think you’ve got everything perfect, a wave of updates comes crashing in and reshapes your entire landscape overnight! In this tech talk, we’re shedding some light on how we tackled this issue via online integration tests for our in-house GenAI application, ensuring that we catch & fix errors in production before our users notice!

Niklas Baier

  • Associate ML Engineer

Information about our speakers

Niklas Baier

  • Associate ML Engineer
  • ProSiebenSat.1

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