HolidayCheck Group AG

We make vacations better
For more than 20 years, HolidayCheck is one of the leading eCommerce companies within tourism. Our vision is to make vacation better. We leverage technology competing in a very challenging environment and with over 600 (micro) services running on a cloud infrastructure, we serve millions of offers coming from billions of combinations every day to customers looking for their dream vacation. We excel with modern software, creative ideas, and agile teams. Teams are empowered to foster their contribution to the bigger goal by choosing the right technology for the right problem. We value on code reviews, pair-programming, self-organization, and flexibility. Collaborating with others is key, as taking decisions as a team is as well.

We make vacations better
For more than 20 years, HolidayCheck is one of the leading eCommerce companies within tourism. Our vision is to make vacation better. We leverage technology competing in a very challenging environment and with over 600 (micro) services running on a cloud infrastructure, we serve millions of offers coming from billions of combinations every day to customers looking for their dream vacation. We excel with modern software, creative ideas, and agile teams. Teams are empowered to foster their contribution to the bigger goal by choosing the right technology for the right problem. We value on code reviews, pair-programming, self-organization, and flexibility. Collaborating with others is key, as taking decisions as a team is as well.

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