LORENZ Life Sciences Group

Developing Software for Life Sciences

We are the world’s leading provider of software solutions for the digital exchange of data between regulatory agencies and the pharmaceutical industry with more than 30 years of life science experience. We put our success down to our agile, flexible organizational structure and collaborative working climate, along with our short decision and approval paths. Our high-quality, industry-leading products are made possible by the dedicated people we work with every day.

Developing Software for Life Sciences

We are the world’s leading provider of software solutions for the digital exchange of data between regulatory agencies and the pharmaceutical industry with more than 30 years of life science experience. We put our success down to our agile, flexible organizational structure and collaborative working climate, along with our short decision and approval paths. Our high-quality, industry-leading products are made possible by the dedicated people we work with every day.

Infos zum Unternehmen




Eschborner Landstraße 75, 60489 Frankfurt am Main


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Du findest LORENZ Life Sciences Group auf folgenden Events 2025

Willkommen in Frankfurt, dem Herzen der Finanzwelt! In der Frankfurter Messe erwartet euch eine herausragende Konferenz & IT-Jobmesse mit Top-Speaker, innovativen Tech-Vorträgen und führenden Unternehmen. Frankfurt bietet die perfekte Kulisse für Business und Technologie.

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Anstehende Vorträge

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Infos zu Messen

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Willkommen in Frankfurt, dem Herzen der Finanzwelt! In der Frankfurter Messe erwartet euch eine herausragende Konferenz & IT-Jobmesse mit Top-Speaker, innovativen Tech-Vorträgen und führenden Unternehmen. Frankfurt bietet die perfekte Kulisse für Business und Technologie.

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Aktuelle Jobs

Es gibt 0 Jobs.

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Vorträge 2024

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