Pixida Group

Pixida Group


As a group of international technology companies, we are pioneers in digital transformation and the development of complex systems. We offer a comprehensive range of services throughout the product lifecycle, developing electronic, mechanical and customized software solutions, to meet each client’s unique needs. Our systems engineering approach, combined with the selection of cutting-edge technologies ensure seamless integration and deliver long-term value for our clients. They also benefit from proven solutions and products that can be easily integrated into their existing systems. With over 1,000 successful cross-industry projects, our expertise and track record are undeniable. We have more than 550 experts with extensive knowledge and experience, further enhanced by a vast network of specialists and partners. With 13 strategic locations in Germany, the USA, Brazil, China and Portugal, we are optimally positioned to support our clients globally.

Ihr findet uns auf diesen Events

Auf welchen Events sind wir 2024 vertreten?

Am 25. Oktober begrüßen wir euch wieder in München! Auch hier erwartet euch ein tolles Programm rund um die IT-Welt mit vielen Specials und jeder Menge Tech-Jobs!
Wir begrüßen euch im MOC Event Center in München! Freut euch auf spannende Tech-Vorträge auf fünf Bühnen, inspirierende Speaker*innen und führende Unternehmen der IT-Branche. In der bayerischen Metropole, wo Tradition auf Innovation trifft, erwartet euch ein unvergessliches Erlebnis!

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