
Workindenmark is the national public employment service for qualified international candidates looking for a job in Denmark, and Danish companies searching for foreign candidates.

Workindenmark is part of the Danish Ministry of Employment and member of European Employment Service (EURES).

At, we provide information, guidance and access to digital self-service tools to bring together Danish employers and foreign candidates.

We also offer online information and guidance to international jobseekers and a series of recruitment services to employers.

Workindenmark aims to assist Danish companies in attracting and recruiting qualified foreign candidates in sectors, where Danish companies face skills shortages.

Read more about the ICT & Robotics sector in Denmark here: (

Workindenmark is the national public employment service for qualified international candidates looking for a job in Denmark, and Danish companies searching for foreign candidates.

Workindenmark is part of the Danish Ministry of Employment and member of European Employment Service (EURES).

At, we provide information, guidance and access to digital self-service tools to bring together Danish employers and foreign candidates.

We also offer online information and guidance to international jobseekers and a series of recruitment services to employers.

Workindenmark aims to assist Danish companies in attracting and recruiting qualified foreign candidates in sectors, where Danish companies face skills shortages.

Read more about the ICT & Robotics sector in Denmark here: (

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Die Messe Hamburg öffnet ihre Tore für unsere IT-Jobmesse. Euch erwarten spannende Tech-Vorträge, motivierende Speaker und führende Unternehmen. Taucht ein in die Welt der Technologie und entdeckt eure nächsten Karriereschritte mit Festival-Feeling!

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Die Messe Hamburg öffnet ihre Tore für unsere IT-Jobmesse. Euch erwarten spannende Tech-Vorträge, motivierende Speaker und führende Unternehmen. Taucht ein in die Welt der Technologie und entdeckt eure nächsten Karriereschritte mit Festival-Feeling!

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