Welcome to the
ITCS Berlin

Tech Conference - IT Job Fair - Festival

24 May 2024


ITCS Berlin
Your tech conference, IT job fair and
Festival in Berlin

ITCS Berlin
Deine Tech Konferenz, IT-Jobmesse und Festival in Berlin

About 70 Exciting exhibitors

About 40 Keynotes
and workshops

Afterparty with DJ

Exclusive networking event

Tickets 100% free of charge

"How to ITCS" - Key facts and all
what you need to know 🚀

"How to ITCS" - Key facts and everything you need to know 🚀

Tech Conference

4 Bühnen und über 40 Vorträge von Top-Speakern aus der Tech-Welt. Das ist der ITCS, topaktuelle Tech-Themen, interaktiv und authentisch! Hier ist für jeden etwas dabei.

IT - Job Fair

From start-ups to global corporations. At the stand, you can get to know the techies from the companies directly, gain exclusive insights into their IT projects and find your new dream job.


Everyone needs a break sometimes. Whether it's a game of table football, table tennis or a hot match in the gaming area. Rumors of an after-party are also doing the rounds in the chill-out areas.

Are you interested in IT? Then the ITCS Berlin is the right place for you!

Friday, 24.05.2024
from 10:00 a.m.
Admission from 9:30 am

Arena Berlin, Eichenstraße 4
12435 Berlin

All information about the exhibitors, the program and our specials can be found below.

The ITCS afterparty with DJ, drinks and snacks starts at 4 pm.

You won't be looking for a suit and tie at the ITCS!

The Exhibitor - Get to know the top companies
from the IT industry.

The Exhibitor - Get to know the top companies
from the IT industry.

Not switch over! ☄️

Status: tba

  • Mitarbeiter: 9

Status: tba

  • Employees: 4

Status: tba

  • Mitarbeiter: 500

Status: tba

  • Mitarbeiter: 4500

Status: tba

  • Mitarbeiter: 6.5

Status: tba

Stand: M1

Status: tba

  • Mitarbeiter: 1

Stand: W9

  • Employees: 0

Status: tba

ITCS Chat Date:
Applying has never been so easy!

ITCS Chat Date:
Applying has never been so easy!

Du willst schon vor der Messe mit den Ausstellern in Kontakt treten und ein Date auf dem ITCS in Berlin vereinbaren?

  • Hole am 24. Mai das Maximum aus dem ITCS Berlin out.
  • Take the first step and contact your dream company!
  • You can find out how this works here:

The Program grows daily until 50+ talks with cutting-edge tech topics await you on the day of the fair!

The Program - Once again, you can expect a program full of cutting-edge tech topics.

Wie generative KI unsere Zukunft formt - Chancen, Risiken und Berufsfelder im Wandel

Generative KI ist eine neue Technologie mit dem Potenzial, unsere Welt grundlegend zu verändern. In dieser Keynote beleuchten wir die Chancen und Risiken dieser Technologie und erkunden, wie sie verschiedene Berufsfelder im Wandel beeinflusst.

Matthias Seiller, HR Learning

Digitale Beweissicherung und Spurensuche

Was versteht man unter Incident Response und wie werden Cyber-Angriffe aufgearbeitet? Ich berichte euch aus meinem Alltag als IT-Forensikerin, von digitaler Spurensuche nach Indizien und Beweisen zwischen Bits und Bytes, und inwieweit mein Geschlecht hierbei eine Rolle spielt.

Dominique "Nikkie" Walentiny, Manager Digital Forensics & Incident Response


Unterschätztes Potenzial: Mütter für den Ein- oder Aufstieg in der XR-Branche empowern

Die Probleme des Fachkräftemangels und eines geringen Frauenanteils betreffen die eXtended Reality- (XR-) Branche in genauso hohem Maße wie die IT-Branche. Die Gründe für eine geringen Frauenanteil sind allerdings nicht direkt offensichtlich, da die XR-Branche vielfältig und interdisziplinär ist. Die „XR moms“ Initiative möchte ein Puzzlestück für die Lösung des Problems beitragen und sieht darüber hinaus einen spezifischen blinden Fleck in der Branche: neben Frauen allgemein fehlen auch Mütter im Speziellen, die ihre Expertise und Perspektive mitbringen.
Für die Initiative ist Erwachsenenbildung die Chance für mehr Diversität in den Teams, einen Abbau des Fachkräftemangels und mehr berufliche Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten für Mütter.
Dieser Vortrag gibt einen Überblick über die Vorteile für beide Seiten – Unternehmen und Mütter – und weshalb Quereinsteigerinnen und vor allem Mütter dazu befähigt werden sollten, einen Quereinstieg in die XR-Branche zu wagen.

Alexandra Weiß, Expert Fullstack Developer AR/XR


Vereinbarkeit von Familie & Beruf als Karriere-Boost

Für freie Job Entscheidungen und maximale Flexibilität braucht es aus unserer Sicht gerade im Bereich Familie ein stabiles Support System. Wie Unternehmen das für Women in Tech maximal nutzen können und jede (r) dies auch selbst einfordern kann, erklärt unser Vater und CRO Heynanny Tobias Freund.

Tobias Freund, CRO


A path of trust: From mechanical engineering to a career in tech.

After realizing my first job in mechanical engineering wasn’t fulfilling my aspirations, I decided to twist my path to embrace a career in tech. I went through enrolling in a bootcamp, being a freelancer, landing a first fulltime job as developer, and finally shaping my career in Consulting at Netlight. None of this would have been possible without the unwavering trust and confidence placed in me by others. Join me as we delve into how trust became the cornerstone of my transformative career journey!

Juliette Hoisnard, IT Consultant


Navigating the rollercoaster of uncertainty with visionary female leadership.

Join us for an inspiring session at ITCS Berlin, titled „Navigating the Rollercoaster of Uncertainty with Visionary Female Leadership.“ This talk is dedicated to exploring the distinctive impact of female leadership in steering big processes and numbers at stake through turbulent times with a blend of resilience, personal talent, innovation, and strategic foresight.
Senior decision makers and male leaders are invited to attend this talk to identify the key needs of top-notch female leadership to help them nurture their needs and unlock their full potential at the workplace.
Female leaders need to attend this to self-educate on the important practices and real-life strategies that must be there for breakthrough success to happen.
In today’s fast-evolving business landscape, uncertainty is a constant. However, visionary female leaders have a unique capability when nurtured to navigate these challenges, turning potential threats into opportunities for growth and innovation. This session will delve into the traits and strategic practices that generate successful female leadership in IT and beyond, offering insights into:

Resilient Leadership:
How female leaders cultivate resilience within themselves, enabling them and their teams to bounce back stronger from setbacks.
Embracing Innovation: Fun Techniques for fostering an environment where innovation thrives, even under pressure.
Strategic Agility: The ability to pivot quickly and effectively, making decisions that anticipate and adapt to rapid changes.
Open Communication: The ability to speak to powerfully and authentically to touch, move and inspire your partners and team members to execute on your vision as a leader.
Dr.Hegy will share real-world examples and case studies that highlight how female leaders have successfully managed uncertainty, not just surviving but thriving amidst chaos. Participants will leave with actionable strategies and a deeper understanding of how to apply these leadership principles to their own contexts.

This session is an essential experience for anyone interested in leveraging the full spectrum of leadership diversity to navigate their personal lives and workplace through the complexities of today’s business environment. Join us to gain fun fresh perspectives to empower your leadership approach in these unpredictable times.

Dr. Sara Hegy, Coach and Founder


Good Work @ GAMOMAT – Blueprint für eine dynamisch stabile Unternehmenskultur

Wie vermittelt man in einer hybriden, flexiblen Arbeitsumgebung eigentlich Stabilität und Zugehörigkeit? Eine gesunde Unternehmenskultur nimmt das Bedürfnis nach psychologischer Sicherheit ernst und bietet damit erst das Sprungbrett für ein Mindset, das Veränderung als Routine begreift. Dr. Alexandra Krone gibt einen Einblick, wie es bei GAMOMAT gelingt, ein „dynamisch stabiles” Arbeitsumfeld zu gestalten und welche Zutaten es dazu braucht.

Dr. Alexandra Krone, Managing Director


Smart Conservation: IT-Innovationen für Naturschutzprojekte

Was haben IT und Naturschutz miteinander zu tun? Im Vortrag erklärt Lara Boye vom Naturschutz Start Up Artenglück, warum innovative Technik dabei helfen kann, die Natur zu schützen.

Lara Boye, CEO & Co-Founder


Die Evolution in der SAP-Beratung: Rollenwandel des Beraters durch KI-Anwendung in Transformationsprojekten

Im CONSILIO Tech Talk beschäftigen wir uns mit den neuen Herausforderung eines SAP-Consultants in den verschiedenen Phasen eines SAP-Transformationsprojektes. In Zeiten des stetigen technologischen Fortschritts sowie der rasanten Weiterentwicklung der KI, unterliegt auch das Kompetenzprofil eines Beraters oder einer Beraterin einer notwendigen Transformation. In einem interaktiven Austausch erarbeiten wir gemeinsam, auf welche Faktoren es ankommt und wie die CONSILIO Transformationsprojekte mithilfe von menschlichen Kompetenzen und KI zum Erfolg führt.

Holger Dunkel, Partner FICO

Holger Dunkel

Angestaubt? Von wegen! Aktuelle Tech-Trends im Public Sector - IBM Client Innovation Center Germany GmbH

Die öffentliche Hand wird oftmals als schwerfällig, langweilig und wenig innovativ wahrgenommen. Dabei bietet gerade dieser Bereich Raum für technische Lösungen und clevere Ideen. Wir beleuchten spannende Entwicklungen und aktuelle Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zum digitalen Staat.

Niklas Ewert, Practice Lead Public, Project Manager - IBM Client Innovation Center Germany GmbH


Generative AI in practice - experimenting with prompting challenges

In this workshop, you will learn the basics of prompting and experiment with generative AI models yourself. You will explore various use cases and techniques in challenges that build on each other.

Matthias Seiller, HR Learning

Leadership Clarity Workshop: The Art of Effective Decision-Making

Join us at the upcoming ITCS conference in Berlin for an exclusive workshop on „Leadership Clarity Workshop: The Art of Effective Decision-Making“ tailored specifically for executives, senior executives and industry leaders. This session is designed to empower you with the tools and insights necessary to harness your latent decision-making capabilities and elevate your strategic impact as a leader in your personal and professional realms.

During this interactive workshop, you will be introduced to the Visionary Wheel—a robust, twelve-pillar framework that enhances clarity, precision, and effectiveness in decision-making. From setting a vision to gathering critical data to evaluating outcomes for sustained success, each segment of the wheel is crafted to build upon the other, fostering a continuous cycle of success.

As a senior leader, understanding and applying these principles will refine your personalized decision-making prowess and position your talent to thrive and adapt in an increasingly complex and unpredictable business environment. The workshop promises a blend of professional insights, personalized talent and practical experiences, enabling you to:

-Discover Hidden Powers: Unlock new levels of intuition and analytical thinking that you may not realize you possess.

-Enhance Decision Quality: Learn how to integrate diverse data and insights to make well-rounded decisions that drive success.

-Foster Innovation: Encourage creativity and innovation within your teams by adopting a holistic decision-making process.

-Achieve Strategic Alignment: Ensure that every decision aligns with your personal leadership values and your organization’s long-term goals and values.

Join us to gain the clarity and tools needed to unleash your full decision-making potential and steer your organization toward unparalleled success. We look forward to welcoming you to a transformative experience that promises not only to enlighten but also to inspire!

Dr. Sara Hegy, Coach and Founder


Top Speaker - From Tekkies for Tekkies,
on the latest tech topics

Top Speaker - From Tekkies for Tekkies,
on the latest tech topics

Dominique "Nikkie" Walentiny

Manager Digital Forensics & Incident Response

Alexandra Weiß

Expert Fullstack Developer AR/XR

Dr. Sara Hegy

Coach and Founder

Tobias Freund


Juliette Hoisnard

IT Consultant

Lara Boye

CEO & Co-Founder

Dr. Alexandra Krone

Managing Director

With the Shuttle bus to the ITCS

With the Shuttle bus to the ITCS

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And don't know how to get to the ITCS in Darmstadt?
No problem, just use our free shuttle bus.
Simply add it to your ticket and you will receive all further information by e-mail.

secure your Ticket now!

Simply follow us and never miss anything to do with the ITCS:

You can get tickets here, 4 weeks before the event starts!


secure your Ticket now!

Exhibitor become

Exhibitor become

Over 500 exhibitors are already successfully recruiting at ITCS events!