YouCodeGirls | Didactic Innovations GmbH

The YouCodeGirls initiative aims to get girls and young women interested in coding and AI. The digital hands-on platform invites them to engage with these topics in an uncomplicated and guided way, in line with their interests and needs. Existing learning opportunities are bundled and supplemented by innovative formats - the so-called YouCodeGirls Originals. The learning opportunities on the platform are diverse and cover topics such as career guidance and specific programming languages. Whether beginner or expert - on YouCodeGirls, everyone can find the offer that suits them best.

The Education Digital Research Institute at Saarland University is responsible for the project together with Didactic Innovations GmbH and the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence. The initiative is funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

The YouCodeGirls initiative aims to get girls and young women interested in coding and AI. The digital hands-on platform invites them to engage with these topics in an uncomplicated and guided way, in line with their interests and needs. Existing learning opportunities are bundled and supplemented by innovative formats - the so-called YouCodeGirls Originals. The learning opportunities on the platform are diverse and cover topics such as career guidance and specific programming languages. Whether beginner or expert - on YouCodeGirls, everyone can find the offer that suits them best.

The Education Digital Research Institute at Saarland University is responsible for the project together with Didactic Innovations GmbH and the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence. The initiative is funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

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Inspiring girls for computer science with YouCodeGirls

Gendersensible Bildung ist heute wichtiger denn je, um Chancengleichheit zu schaffen. Die Initiative YouCodeGirls stärkt zu diesem Zweck die Vielfalt in der IT-Branche mithilfe der gleichnamigen Mittmach-Plattform, die für Mädchen und jungen Frauen kreative und spielerischen Lernangebote bereithält. In diesem Kurzvortrag wird gezeigt, wie YouCodeGirls eine inspirierende, inklusive Lernumgebung schafft und Programmierkompetenzen auf spielerische Weise fördert. 💻✨

Jannick Eckle

  • Chief Research Officer

Inspiring girls for computer science with YouCodeGirls

Gendersensible Bildung ist heute wichtiger denn je, um Chancengleichheit zu schaffen. Die Initiative YouCodeGirls stärkt zu diesem Zweck die Vielfalt in der IT-Branche mithilfe der gleichnamigen Mitmach-Plattform, die für Mädchen und jungen Frauen kreative und spielerischen Lernangebote bereithält. In diesem Kurzvortrag wird gezeigt, wie YouCodeGirls eine inspirierende, inklusive Lernumgebung schafft und Programmierkompetenzen auf spielerische Weise fördert. 💻✨

Jannick Eckle

  • Chief Research Officer

Information about our speakers

Jannick Eckle

  • Chief Research Officer
  • YouCodeGirls | Didactic Innovations GmbH

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