Code Pub

THE CODE PUB is an international network by Netlight for women and non-binary people who want to learn more about IT, and organises events for beginners as well as professionals. Our goal is empowering every single woman and non-binary person in the tech industry by creating a platform where one can be inspired and inspire others. The Code Pub was created by Netlight in spring 2013 with the purpose of increasing the number of women and non-binary in the IT industry. By lowering the threshold for getting started with programming and highlighting role models within IT, we believe that we can make a difference.

THE CODE PUB is an international network by Netlight for women and non-binary people who want to learn more about IT, and organises events for beginners as well as professionals. Our goal is empowering every single woman and non-binary person in the tech industry by creating a platform where one can be inspired and inspire others. The Code Pub was created by Netlight in spring 2013 with the purpose of increasing the number of women and non-binary in the IT industry. By lowering the threshold for getting started with programming and highlighting role models within IT, we believe that we can make a difference.






Anstehende Events

Du findest Code Pub auf folgenden Events 2025

Wir begrüßen euch im MOC Event Center in München! Freut euch auf spannende Tech-Vorträge auf vier Bühnen, inspirierende Speaker und führende Unternehmen der IT-Branche. In der bayerischen Metropole, wo Tradition auf Innovation trifft, erwartet euch ein unvergessliches Erlebnis!

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Anstehende Vorträge

Es gibt 4 Vorträge von Code Pub.

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Ihr findet uns auf diesen Events

Wir begrüßen euch im MOC Event Center in München! Freut euch auf spannende Tech-Vorträge auf vier Bühnen, inspirierende Speaker und führende Unternehmen der IT-Branche. In der bayerischen Metropole, wo Tradition auf Innovation trifft, erwartet euch ein unvergessliches Erlebnis!

Zum Kalender hinzufügen

Aktuelle Jobs

Es gibt 0 Jobs.

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Vorträge 2024

Hier findest du unsere vergangen Vorträge inkl. Video

Voices of Change: Embracing Diversity in the Tech Industry

Ready to challenge your preconceptions of a tech career? Join the talk for an exciting journey into the world of software engineering, where we’re breaking old molds and embracing new perspectives. Discover the story of Amira, a Software Engineer reshaping the tech scene with her creativity and diversity. Get ready for an eye-opening experience that will challenge your thinking and leave you inspired. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to be a part of the change!

Amira Chebbi

  • IT Consultant

A path of trust: From mechanical engineering to a career in tech.

After realizing my first job in mechanical engineering wasn’t fulfilling my aspirations, I decided to twist my path to embrace a career in tech. I went through enrolling in a bootcamp, being a freelancer, landing a first fulltime job as developer, and finally shaping my career in Consulting at Netlight. None of this would have been possible without the unwavering trust and confidence placed in me by others. Join me as we delve into how trust became the cornerstone of my transformative career journey!

Juliette Hoisnard

  • IT Consultant

So, when am I a woman in IT?

Join us for a talk addressing the prevalent issue of women in IT struggling to identify with their role in the industry. Despite studying or working in IT, many women feel a sense of detachment. This talk aims to explore these sentiments, uncovering ways to foster belonging and empowerment within the IT community.

Anna Skoglund

  • Design Leader & Consultant

Louisa Pabst

  • IT Product Owner & Consultant

Intersectionality shapes our career journeys - How to find a sense of belonging as a marginalized person in tech

Intersectionality has multiple factors. Being a woman, being part of marginalised genders, being queer or coming from a low income household. How safer spaces affect our careers in tech and how communication changes things for the better.

Sabrina Krallmann she/her

  • Technical Project Manager & Consultant


Sabrina Krallmann she/her

  • Technical Project Manager & Consultant
  • Code Pub

Louisa Pabst

  • IT Product Owner & Consultant
  • Code Pub

Anna Skoglund

  • Design Leader & Consultant
  • Code Pub

Juliette Hoisnard

  • IT Consultant
  • Code Pub

Amira Chebbi

  • IT Consultant
  • Code Pub

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