Massive space traffic collaboration
We are former European Space Agency engineers and researchers and European Central Bank governance and digital transformation experts building a neutral and transparent space traffic negotiation ecosystem.
We believe in a collaborative, sustainable and safe Earth Orbit.

Ihr findet uns auf diesen Events

Auf welchen Events sind wir 2024 vertreten?

Im April begrüßen wir euch im darmstadtium! Auch hier erwartet euch ein tolles Programm rund um die IT-Welt mit vielen Specials und jeder Menge Tech-Jobs!

Auf was könnt ihr euch freuen?

Welche Vorträge halten wir?

Celestical, an independent and green European Cloud built by space engineers.

Green IT is not just about less power consumming processors, it is also about conscious coding and responsible infrastructure usage. We have dedicated our efforts for an independent European cloud infrastructure, optimized by space engineers. That means we use resources very carefully with a responsible AI cyber protector.

Dr. Red Boumghar, CEO


Wer sind unsere Speaker?

Dr. Red Boumghar


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Unsere Vorträge als vod

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Celestical, an independent and green European Cloud built by space engineers.

  • Green IT
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Why we, space engineers, built an EU Cloud, and the 3 worrying reasons big competitors won't talk about it.

  • Green IT

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