Information Design One AG

At Information Design, we turn aviation data into valuable and insightful information – with the goal to create information and design it. Based on that philosophy, we’ve developed unique IT solutions and worked with some of the world’s renowned airlines, airports, and aviation corporations – such as Lufthansa, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Cathay Pacific, and Deutsche Flugsicherung.

Our goal is to be the first choice for clients, employees, and partners within the aviation technology sector. Based on this and our strategy, we systematically develop information products and services aiming to make our client’s performance transparent and more efficient.

At Information Design, we turn aviation data into valuable and insightful information – with the goal to create information and design it. Based on that philosophy, we’ve developed unique IT solutions and worked with some of the world’s renowned airlines, airports, and aviation corporations – such as Lufthansa, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Cathay Pacific, and Deutsche Flugsicherung.

Our goal is to be the first choice for clients, employees, and partners within the aviation technology sector. Based on this and our strategy, we systematically develop information products and services aiming to make our client’s performance transparent and more efficient.

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