ITCS Cologne Recap
From now on, Friday the 13th,
stands for a legendary event!

That was the ITCS Cologne 2024!
🖤🖤🖤 Many, many thanks to ALL who were there! 🖤🖤🖤

ITCS Cologne Recap
From now on, Friday the 13th,
stands for a legendary event!

That was the ITCS Cologne 2024!
Many, many thanks to ALL who were there!

Over 80 Exciting exhibitors

Over 40 Keynotes
and workshops

Afterparty with DJ

3,100+ visitors

100% Fun

Tech Conference

5 stages and over 40 presentations by top speakers from the tech world. That was the ITCS, cutting-edge tech topics, interactive and authentic! There was something for everyone.

IT job fair

From start-ups to global corporations. At the stand, you could get to know the tekkies from the companies directly, gain exclusive insights into their IT projects and find your new dream job.


Everyone needs a break sometimes. Whether it's a game of table football, table tennis or a hot match in the gaming area. There were even rumours of an after-party in the chill-out areas.

The exhibitors - Get to know the top companies
from the IT industry.

The Specials


Women in Tech

We celebrate Women in Techso you could find the right stage in the middle of the hall! We want together with our Speakers the Improving the IT world!

Many thanks to all Co-operation partnerVisitors and our Sponsor TIMETOACT GROUP! We are very happy about >32% Visitors at the ITCS Colognewhich is well above the industry average!


Computer science can also be sustainable

On our Green IT stage we give Sustainability a mouthpiece in IT. Here you could find out what our exhibitors are doing and which The challenges are connected with it! Many thanks to our Sponsors esentri AG and Next Kraftwerke!

What we are already doing to Making ITCS more sustainableyou can find out here.



Cedric is on the Keynote stage as Speakers in the process, reported live from the Trade fair and also does something "on the side" with YouTube.

He is on the ITCS always a Highlight and also takes the Timewith each of you chat or a Selfie to shoot.


The Programme - Once again, you can expect a programme full of cutting-edge tech topics.

The Programme

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IT und Technik im Nachrichtendienst. Herausforderungen... I Jörg Funk I Keynote

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Morpheus x Kollin Freise I ITCS Köln I Interview

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Geboren für die Zukunft - Wie BIPOC-Superkräfte den IT- und Arbeitsmarkt boostern können

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Luftverteidigung im 21. Jahrhundert: Drohnenabwehr mit modernster Hochtechnologie

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Ein starkes WIR in der IT: Zusammenarbeit und Digitalisierung durch KI für das Gemeinwohl

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GREENfactory – Nachhaltigkeit, innovativ und wirtschaftlich!

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Da geht noch was! Wie Unternehmen mehr Women in Tech gewinnen können

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Führung und Erfolg in der IT: Meine Reise als junge Frau und weibliche Führungskraft

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Mehr Frauen* in die IT: Aktuelle Situation und wie der Girls'Day dabei helfen kann

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#hacktheworldabetterplace: Wie wir in Schulen alle Kinder für IT begeistern - mit inspirieren!

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Women in Tech: Dein Netzwerk als Schlüssel zu Erfolg & Wachstum

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IT Karriereplanung: Chancen und Herausforderungen

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Women for Women: How to start in Tech?

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Stop Being So Nice! It's Killing Your Career (Seriously)

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Green Software – Buzzword oder Gamechanger?

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Months to Minutes - Real world continuous Deployment

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Digitale Transformation als Enabler für die wertsteigernde Kreislaufwirtschaft

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Künstliche Intelligenz im Dienst der Nachhaltigkeit: Wie AI ESG-Berichterstattung revolutioniert

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Design2Code – Das Rezept für ultraschnelle Design- und Frontend-Projekte

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Effiziente visuelle Regressionstests im CI/CD-Kontext

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Implementing RAG in Industry: Current Applications and Future Potential

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Mailand oder Madrid, Hauptsache Italien. Erfolgreicher Technologiewechsel von .NET zu Java

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Wie das Land NRW KI einsetzt, um freie Informationen besser verfügbar zu machen

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From Watermelon Miseries to data-driven delights - How Machine Learning transforms retail

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Oscare® im Rollout – ein Erfahrungsbericht

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Der süße Duft von Session Cookies: So einfach knacken Hacker 2FA

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Automatisierung mit Robotic Process Automation

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Onboarding 2.0: Kaltes Wasser war gestern!

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How we use SlackOps for automation

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Bei wem liegt eigentlich das Gehirn deiner KI?

Workshop duration: 90min

KI zum Anfassen: Deine ersten Schritte mit Hugging Face und Open Source AI

Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz – ganz ohne Programmierkenntnisse! In diesem interaktiven Talk zeigen ich euch, wie ihr mit Hugging Face und kostenlosen Open Source AI-Tools direkt im Browser experimentieren könnt.

Ihr lernt, wie einfach es ist, eigene erste KI-Projekte zu starten und welche spannenden Möglichkeiten sich dir eröffnen. Ob Textgenerierung, Bildanalyse oder Spracherkennung – nach diesem Talk bist du bereit, deine eigenen KI-Abenteuer zu beginnen!

Roland Golla, IT Consultant für Web Performance und Accessibility


Barrierefreies Web-Design: Dein Sprungbrett zum gefragten Accessibility Consultant

Entdecke, wie du mit kostenlosen Browser-Tools zum gefragten Web-Accessibility-Experten wirst! In diesem spannenden Talk lernst du, wie du Websites barrierefrei gestaltest und dabei auch noch Geld verdienen kannst.

Wir tauchen ein in die Welt von Silktide und dem Axe-Plugin und zeigen dir, wie diese Tools deine Karriere als Beraterin in der digitalen Welt ankurbeln können.

Egal ob Einsteigerin oder Fortgeschrittene*r – dieser Talk öffnet dir die Tür zu einem zukunftsträchtigen Berufsfeld!

Roland Golla, IT Consultant für Web Performance und Accessibility


With the Shuttle bus to the ITCS

With the Shuttle bus to the ITCS

You come from: 

And don't know how to get to the ITCS in Darmstadt?
No problem, just use our free shuttle bus.
Simply add it to your ticket and you will receive all further information by e-mail.

Your impression of the ITCS Cologne 2024

Comments on the event

64 responses to “Recap ITCS Köln 13.09.2024 | IT Jobmesse Köln”

  1. Nicky says:

    It was great! The presenters (I only saw girls at my presentations) were extremely well prepared and took away the inhibitions of the audience with their way of asking questions. It was great that there was information & events about Women in Tech. I heard things I would never have thought about! The idea of the workshops was also great! You could really tell that the whole fair was organised with dedication. 🥰 Also the party afterwards: thanks for that! You were able to take a deep breath & process and still had the opportunity to network! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to the whole team! Keep up the good work! 🍀🍀🍀💫💫💫❤️❤️❤️

  2. Abd says:

    It was superbly organised, with good discussions and great participants on both sides. Many thanks for that

  3. Nezaket Zeynalli says:

    I was as a participant in many events. From the first blick it was clear, the organisation of the ITCS is on high level, starting from registration process ending with different discussions on the field. Technic equipment including the cameramen, new technology, ready to help staff - everything was fascinating. Bravo!

  4. Oleksii Solodkov says:

    It was great! I especially like stands with job positions. It gives the possibility to find some acceptable position for almost every person. Thx

  5. Sunita Mager says:

    A mega event with lots of conversations, inspiring talks and exchanges. As a woman in tech, I was so happy to see more women there. Thanks also to Women in Tech - they really impressed me with their mission and vision. Thanks also to the ITCS team. I would love to come back next time.

  6. Gabriella says:

    It was well organised and informative. Good discussions and great participants on both sides. Thank you.

  7. Joram says:

    An all-round successful event with very interesting exhibitors and presentations!

  8. Cate says:

    A great, exciting event! I was there for the first time and got a lot of interesting impressions and had wonderful conversations. Top organisation and location. Many thanks for this great opportunity! 😎🙌

  9. RK says:

    It was impressive! Lots of innovative tech and great networking opportunities. Definitely worth attending!"

  10. Nico Körfgen says:

    My best friend and I had a fantastic time at the ITCS in Cologne on Friday 13/09/2024! 🎉 The event was incredibly well organised and offered an impressive variety of activities and information. We were particularly impressed by the more than 50 exciting keynotes and workshops that took place on five stages. The presentations on current tech topics were not only informative, but also very inspiring.

    The IT job fair was another highlight for us. It was great to speak directly to the techies from over 90 exhibitors and gain exclusive insights into their IT projects. The opportunity to meet potential employers and find out about different career opportunities was particularly valuable for us.

    The festival feeling was not neglected either! The after-party with DJ, drinks and snacks was the perfect end to a successful day. We met lots of interesting people and were able to relax in the chill-out areas.

    All in all, ITCS Cologne 2024 was an all-round successful event that enriched us both professionally and personally. Many thanks to the organisers for this great event! We are already looking forward to next year. 😊

  11. Priyanka Kuhikar says:

    It was great to be a part of ITCS. ITCS not only provided us the opportunity to look for the job vacancies
    but has so many other aspects . I got a chance to talk to various HRs and Tech Leaders and had
    an opportunity to clear my doubts regarding Resume preparation , job application and many more. All the company Associates were very friendly and ready to help, Apart from this, there were workshops and presentations on very interesting topics, All arrangements were done beautifully. There was a wall of Vacancies too . Take away goodies was a feather on the cap . I had also experienced the Virtual Reality Roller coaster on one of the counters. Unfortunately I could not attend the DJ party . But for me the overall experience was wonderful .

  12. Yurii says:

    I hadn't expected so many companies and so many visitors. It was a great trade fair, I recommend it to everyone

  13. Nariman Saeid says:

    I was there, it was a good opportunity to get an overview of the labour market. The organisation was great.

  14. Michael Medvidov says:

    Great event and lots of nice people! <3 I'll be back next year 😎

  15. Deepak Mehra says:

    Every year ITCS is organising job fair and tech talks most relevant to the industry of information tech and computer science. I have attended a couple of events in 2024 and found out that every event had new employers offering jobs and talks based on the availability of companies in the region. ITCS is the best organiser of tech events along with activities to keep the attendees engaged with games and talks in addition to job fair. The "woman in IT" section is the unique segment I have never seen anywhere yet. Overall, it is an overwhelming experience and value for efforts done to attend ITCS in different cities of Germany. Thank you for the opportunities 🙂

  16. Suraj says:

    Was able to find interesting career opportunities.

  17. Carsten says:

    Super event! Thanks to the ITCS team, you did a great job organising it! I thought the range of exhibitors and topics was very good and the talks were also very informative. I particularly enjoyed the presentations on drone technology and robot processing. However, I do have one negative point: the coffee was unfortunately a bit too expensive, in my opinion.

  18. Ramzi says:

    It was a great experience! The fair was very well organised and incredibly helpful. I had the opportunity to get in touch with many exciting companies and make valuable new contacts. Overall, it was a very worthwhile event that opened up many new career opportunities for me.

  19. Grimmen Heinz says:

    It was a really exciting day at the fair. Let's see, maybe I'll find an internship with one of the providers.
    And the party afterwards was great too.

  20. Bohdan Vinohradov says:

    Pleasant experience and interesting contacts.

  21. Kim-Jasmin says:

    It's a great event where you can experience so much more than just job hunting. I wish she would come to Cologne more often, because I always find it great to be there and can always gain added value from the ITCS.
    But I will definitely be there next time! 🙂

  22. Masoud Roosta says:

    The ITCS fair was very interesting experience and I hope that next time more IT companies will register because I didn't find any mobile software development company (iOS or Android) there.

    Thank you all for that.

  23. RM says:

    The ITCS Cologne was simply amazing! 😍

    I gained an incredible number of exciting impressions and made valuable contacts. I was particularly impressed by the variety of exhibitors and the brilliant presentations - the talk on the latest trends in IT in particular opened up new perspectives for me. It was really cool to be part of this tech community and meet so many inspiring people!

    The atmosphere was great and I really enjoyed socialising with like-minded people.

    Big praise to the ITCS team for the perfect organisation and the great atmosphere. I'm already looking forward to the next events again in Cologne in 2025! 🚀

    Thank you very much for this unforgettable experience!

  24. Zdravko says:

    It was really worthwhile being there. With so many opportunities in different directions, you could find and choose a lot from the IT industry for yourself. Thank you all for the nice conversations and for the opportunity to get something positive out of it. Thank you very much for organising such an event!

  25. Supriya says:

    Good event...Thanks

  26. Olha says:

    I really enjoyed the conference. There were lots of interesting presentations on new technologies. The dialogue with other participants was also very inspiring. I was able to make lots of new contacts and take away some great ideas. The organisation was good and the atmosphere was motivating.

  27. Rivaldo Tandah says:

    🎉 The technology fair in Cologne was an absolute hit! 🌟 The discussions with the IT companies were super friendly and full of interesting ideas. I was particularly excited about the opportunity to play in virtual worlds and try out the PS5! 🤩 The atmosphere was just great - tasty snacks, popcorn and sweets made the time even better! 🍿🍭

    The afterparty was the perfect end to the day: cool music, refreshing drinks and lots of laughter! 🎶🥤 We really danced too much and had a lot of fun! 💃🕺 I'm already looking forward to the next fair! 🚀✨

  28. Kulsum Siddiqui says:

    ITCS event gives a great opportunity for job search. For me it was a great experience to observe the fair. It was easy to communicate with exhibitors.
    Event was organised in a way to keep everyone engaged and active. I enjoyed tech talks and creative games. Getting some cool goodies was nice too.
    Overall fun event with a good purpose. Highly recommended.

  29. Diana says:

    This event was superbly organised and the discussions with some of the exhibitors were very interesting, informative and entertaining. The presentations were also great. I was able to take away a lot for myself, make new acquaintances and there was also plenty of laughter. Any time again.

  30. Mouaz Anan says:

    Was very nice 🙂👍🏻

  31. Minhaj Ul Abdeen Javed says:

    I have a lot to say, but I'll keep it brief. First, I want to thank ITCS for organising this fantastic event. I'm truly grateful to be a part of it. I've learnt so much and gained deeper insights into various industries. Seeing and experiencing new technologies that I hadn't encountered before was truly amazing.

  32. Ghada Douro says:

    It was amazing 😍

  33. Siarhei says:

    I♥T♥C♥S♥ ♥K♥ö♥l♥n

    The ITCS conference in Cologne was a complete success!
    The presentations were extremely interesting and varied.
    The organisation was excellent and I was able to make many new and exciting contacts.
    The exuberant party after the conference in particular rounded off the day perfectly.
    I am already looking forward to being back at the next ITCS events.
    From now on, Friday the 13th stands for a legendary event!

    I♥T♥C♥S♥ ♥K♥ö♥l♥n

  34. Yuliya says:

    I'm really glad I went to this event, some of the speakers helped me to take my first steps into the it industry, it was very informative and entertaining, thank you very much for this experience!

  35. Stefan says:

    Nice event. Got to know a lot of interesting companies. The afterparty was also really good.

  36. Marcel Andrä says:

    It was impressive how many professions and how many employers presented themselves. From my observations, I saw that many people took part and that everyone found their niche. Whether it was the personal dialogue or the many stands where you could play. And the best part came at the end, the after-show party, where you could chat again over a delicious drink.
    Thank you very much

  37. Natali says:

    This was my first visit to Cologne. The organisers did a great job, there were many interesting platforms. As I was most interested in the job fair, it would be handy if a process for exchanging CVs with employers was developed. Overall, I find such events very useful, especially for aspiring developers. Thank you very much!

  38. Hiba says:

    It was a really great event organised by ITCS, I got to know a lot of interesting companies and had the chance to learn about the opportunities that await me

  39. Svitlana says:

    Very interesting topics, lots of employers, I had a lot of fun!

  40. Lada says:

    I loved how many stages you managed to put in the given room, how many job offer dedicated areas and how many entertainment places! There was always something to listen to and to see during the fair, while applying for work! I met so many interested people and definitely want to attend this conference again next year or in the other city.

  41. Md Wafiul Abire Aonkon says:

    The event was pretty decent. I enjoyed the crowd where all the people focused on their future career and growth. I found it as a direct communication path between job seekers and employers including their companies.
    Overall, I liked the event and willing to join upcoming future events.

  42. Muhterem says:

    A wonderful experience. We'd love to do it again.

  43. Olesia says:

    I really enjoyed the tech conference. There were many interesting presentations on new technologies that I found exciting. I was particularly impressed by the innovations in the fields of artificial intelligence and cyber security. The dialogue with other participants was also very inspiring. I was able to make many new contacts and take away some great ideas. The organisation was good and the atmosphere was motivating. Overall, it was an enriching experience that gave me many new insights and inspiration for my own projects.

  44. Markus says:

    Many thanks for the organisation.
    It was a great trade fair with many exhibitors with whom we had interesting discussions.

  45. Ferhat says:

    My second visit to the ITCS trade fair in Cologne.
    A trade fair that is definitely worth a visit. The exhibitors usually have the right contacts who can be contacted and exchanged directly.

    The only thing I didn't like was that it felt like 80% only SAP and IT security companies were there, which is of course great for people who are interested.

  46. Jonas says:

    I found it very exciting, you could network and talk to the companies very well.

    All in all, I really enjoyed it and would definitely come again!

  47. Roma Bhavsar says:

    Attending ITCS Cologne 2024 was an incredible experience! The event was impeccably organised, showcasing the latest advancements in IT and computing technologies. The keynote speakers were truly inspiring, and the diverse range of sessions provided deep insights into emerging trends and innovative solutions. Networking opportunities were abundant, and it was great to connect with industry leaders and fellow enthusiasts. Overall, ITCS Cologne 2024 was a fantastic platform for learning and collaboration. Looking forward to next year's event

  48. Ebrahim says:

    In my opinion, attending ITCS is the best way to get to know companies, their job opportunities and the players in the IT industry. Such professional events provide a great opportunity to network, stay up to date with the latest industry trends and make valuable contacts with relevant companies.
    Many thanks for the great event!

  49. Kambiz Amiri says:

    Top trade fair very professional and competent cooperation. Keep going guys

  50. Elizaveta Zolina says:

    The trade fair was well organised.

    It would be nice if the presentations were longer and more in-depth. And if you could arrange job interviews with the companies directly.

  51. Ayan says:

    The ITCS Cologne was a great experience! I particularly enjoyed the exciting presentations and the networking opportunities. Thank you very much for the great event!

  52. Ewa says:

    A great and professionally organised event! Many thanks to the organisers for the opportunity to experience the IT industry and bring the topic of "Women in Tech" closer. And of course thanks for the great party. A very good DJ, whom I would also like to salute! 🙂

  53. Cindy says:

    It was interesting and fun. I imagined it to be a bit bigger but I had some nice conversations with the companies and unfortunately also one not so nice conversation but well, not everything is perfect.
    But it was still quite nice and you even spotted a few familiar faces. All in all, I would definitely go again.

  54. Fatih says:

    The fair was nice. I couldn't find a parking space. Unfortunately I didn't have time to stay for the afterparty. hopefully next time

  55. Dariia Piskun says:

    Attending ITCS in Cologne was a great experience for me! This event is not just a conference, but a unique blend of technology, creativity and real energy. The organisation was at the highest level, the presentations were inspiring and the atmosphere was simply incomparable. I was particularly impressed by the interactive approach of the presentations and the opportunity to exchange ideas with industry leaders in a relaxed atmosphere. Such experiences motivate you to develop yourself further and to feel part of the global IT community. I can highly recommend the next ITCS - this is an event not to be missed!

  56. Nune says:

    I really enjoyed the event. There were many companies with interesting job offers, including offers for students. However, it would perhaps be better if the presentations were held in separate rooms, as you couldn't understand everything well due to the volume in the large hall. The after-party was also a success and there were plenty of opportunities to network.

  57. Oliver says:

    Really informative and exciting will be back next time

  58. Kevin Moser says:

    It was my first time at the ITCS and I thought it was great. Transparent and helpful exhibitors, very exciting and informative contributions. Again and again!

  59. Sidra Batool says:

    🌟 Had an amazing time at the recent event! 🎉 Met with several industry leaders and discovered so many exciting opportunities and valuable career insights. 🚀 Grateful for the guidance and connections made along the way! 💼✨ #CareerGrowth #Networking #Opportunities

  60. Wisam says:

    Well, yes,
    I think the ITCS is a success.
    There was something for everyone. Every visitor could choose between collecting information, introducing themselves to companies, simply enjoying the time, having a drink or a snack, indulging in the VR experiences and simply browsing through all the companies' products.
    That's why I think the ITCS is a complete success.
    Kind regards

  61. Sifa says:

    It was great.

  62. Nikita says:

    It's was a good experience, thx a lot

  63. Hari says:

    Great event...

  64. Chris says:

    Good discussions, interesting topics and unexpectedly a lot of fun and new acquaintances.
    Thank you all for that!

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