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5 stages and over 50 speeches by top speakers from the tech world. This is the ITCS, cutting-edge tech topics, interactive and authentic! There's something for everyone here.
Vom Startup bis zum Weltkonzern. Am Messestand kannst du direkt die Tekkies aus den Unternehmen kennenlernen, exklusive Einblicke in deren IT-Projekte erhalten und deinen neuen Traumjob finden.
Jeder braucht mal eine Pause. Ob eine Runde am Tischkicker, Tischtennis oder ein heißes Match in der Gaming Area. Selbst Gerüchte über eine Afterparty machten in den Chillout Areas die Runde.
We celebrate Women in Techso you could find the right stage in the middle of the hall! We want together with our Speakers the Improving the IT world!
Many thanks to all Co-operation partner, Visitors and our Sponsors Deutsche Bundesbank & KfW ! We are very happy about >34% Visitors at the ITCS Frankfurtwhich is well above the industry average!
The AI stage celebrated its premiere and "Artificial Intelligence Frankfurt", the largest Tech Meetup Group of the region, provided for exciting AI topics, high-calibre speakers and Intensive networking.
A big thank you to Schwarz IT KG & AI Meetup Frankfurt for the co-operation with the ITCS in order to special event to realise!
Cedric was back on the Keynote stage as Speakers reported live from the trade fair and created even more content "on the side".
He was an absolute Highlight at the ITCS, took the time to Conversations, Selfies and led exciting Interviews with other speakers.
A cool area especially for IT start-ups! Here could young companies their innovative ideas - made possible by the great support of the Economic Development Frankfurt & Frankfurt Forward.
Let’s explore how organizations can effectively navigate the complexity of today’s technology landscape, transitioning from established systems to modern cloud and AI-driven solutions. We’ll dive into strategies for structured decision-making, balancing innovation with stability, and building resilient, scalable, and secure architectures. Using experiences from the aviation software industry and our own modernization journey at Lufthansa Systems, this session highlights best practices in governance and the importance of data-driven approaches to align technology strategy with business needs.
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ResetAngetrieben die beste Kundenerfahrung im Bankensektor zu erschaffen fand sich der CTO der C24 Bank Philipp Kemmeter in einem hoch regulierten Umfeld wieder. Er gibt in seiner amüsanten Keynote Einblicke zu Regulatorik, Agilität, Zahlungsverkehr und Projekt-Management und geht insbesondere auf die Herausforderungen ein, agil zu bleiben in einer Hochsicherheitsumgebung.
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ResetDiscover how Deutsche Börse’s IT and business units collaborate to drive market success. Deutsche Börse Group will discuss agile frameworks, cross-functional teams, and the culture of cooperation that enables seamless departmental interaction. Highlighting case studies like their Google Cloud Journey, they will share key lessons and best practices. The session will also touch on the skills and mindset they value for future talent to foster innovation and collaboration within their corporate ecosystem.
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ResetExploring a not-so-distant moment where we will experience technology that is more intuitive to use and reasons and acts for us. Early adopters and leading businesses have already kick-started the race toward a new era of productivity, creativity and efficiency. The world is arriving at what might be technology’s biggest inflection point in history, and enterprises—and the decisions their leaders make—are at the heart of shaping how we move forward.
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ResetToday the world is turbulent and at the same time the banking competition is increasing. With new fintechs entering the market; new technologies getting mature; it’s almost a heaven for CIOs. And although new technology trends are making our life easier, like cloud & AI solutions. We also need to focus on Operational Resilience, Cyber- and Security threads. And the latter developments are knocking hard on our door. Together with regulations like DORA and GDPR it’s a fantastic challenge to transform into an agile, data driven, customer obsessed digital bank, preferable mobile first. And of course with a modern modular IT Architecture. So, Why am I so excited about our transformation and future?
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ResetGreenIT – ist das nur ein gehyptes Buzzword und Greenwashing oder kann eine Integration in die IT-Strategie des Unternehmens tatsächlich gelingen? Warum dies für Unternehmen in der heutigen Zeit relevant ist und wie die GreenIT Strategie bei Mercedes-Benz aussieht, erfahrt ihr in dieser Keynote.
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ResetIn der IT-Welt wird oft von AGI, der Allgemeinen Künstlichen Intelligenz, gesprochen – einer Form von KI, die dem menschlichen Denken wirklich nahekommt. In diesem Vortrag beleuchtet Cedric aka The Morpheus, was AGI ist und wie der Weg dahin für IT-Fachkräfte aussieht. Welche Fähigkeiten und Ansätze sind entscheidend, und wie wird AGI unsere Arbeit und die IT-Landschaft prägen?
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ResetAs marketers we always look for the most efficient measures. But is that really the essence in the long-run?! Or is it even better to put efficiency and effectiveness together. Creativity is about visualization but also about raising the ceiling. Latest research states that 42% of marketeers do little or no test & learn on creative. AI will allow you as a marketeer to focus on innovation and strategy while AI will get you these creative assets to increase effectiveness. We still focus our actions on increasing efficiency. But this could keep us too short. Efficiency gains in one department could result in inefficiency in another. That is why we need to embrace effectiveness over efficiency.
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ResetIT gilt heute als männerdominierte Branche – doch das war nicht immer so, besonders in der Softwareentwicklung. Denn tatsächlich waren unter den Ersten in der Programmierung sehr viele Frauen: 40-50 % in den 1960ern. Heute sind es nur noch ca. 20 %. Wie konnte das passieren? Und wie können wir Frauen in der IT (wieder) zur Normalität machen?
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ResetComing from a non-tech environment, I have been evolving in engineering and IT for the past 10 years mainly in the Healthcare and Life Sciences industry. Join me to learn how my non-traditional background became a strength, leading to success in the tech world outside of my home country.
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ResetDie erste community-powered on demand E-Learning Plattform speziell für Frauen: 2023 haben Birgit und Susann, Gründerinnen des Frauennetzwerks The HER KLUB, ihr Weiterbildungsprogramm HER KLUB HOUSE gelauncht. In ihrer Keynote teilen sie, wie das Programm Frauen in ihrer persönlichen und beruflichen Weiterentwicklung unterstützt und warum das Modell gerade im B2B Bereich erfolgsversprechend sein kann.
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ResetDie Technologiebranche bietet zahlreiche Karrieremöglichkeiten, doch Frauen sind hier nach wie vor unterrepräsentiert. In diesem Vortrag schauen wir uns gemeinsam an, wie Gründerinnen und Unternehmerinnen in diesem Bereich Fuß fassen und erfolgreich sein können. Welche Herausforderungen Female Entrepreneurs haben und welche Lösungsansätze es bereits gibt. Wie Fempreneurs die digitale Zukunft mitgestalten können und wie wichtig Role Models sind.
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ResetIm Corporate Life kann dein People-Pleasing wie ein heimlicher Karrierekiller wirken. Immer nett sein? Das sorgt nicht nur dafür, dass du oft nicht ernst genommen wirst, sondern auch, dass dein Workload explodiert! Lass uns herausfinden, wie du deine Grenzen setzen kannst, ohne deine Professionalität zu verlieren – und dabei nicht zur Büroleiche wirst.
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ResetAls sichtbar muslimische Frau aus Arbeiterverhältnissen stand Ines auf ihrem Bildungsweg vor besonderen Herausforderungen – von finanziellen Engpässen bis hin zu Vorurteilen im akademischen Umfeld. Trotz dieser Hürden hat sie ihren Weg bis zur Promotion im MINT-Bereich gefunden. In diesem Input teilt sie ihre Erfahrungen, wie sie persönliche und gesellschaftliche Barrieren überwinden konnte und welche Unterstützung dabei besonders wertvoll war. Lasst euch von Ines inspirieren, Herausforderungen als Chancen zu nutzen und eure Ziele zu erreichen.
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ResetGendersensible Bildung ist heute wichtiger denn je, um Chancengleichheit zu schaffen. Die Initiative YouCodeGirls stärkt zu diesem Zweck die Vielfalt in der IT-Branche mithilfe der gleichnamigen Mitmach-Plattform youcodegirls.de, die für Mädchen und jungen Frauen kreative und spielerischen Lernangebote bereithält. In diesem Kurzvortrag wird gezeigt, wie YouCodeGirls eine inspirierende, inklusive Lernumgebung schafft und Programmierkompetenzen auf spielerische Weise fördert. 💻✨
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ResetErlebt einen Einblick in die Welt der Cloudtransformation der Deutschen Bundesbank und entdeckt die Vielfalt an spannenden Rollen, die sich für Frauen in der IT eröffnen. Ob als Cloud-Entwicklerin, Lösungsarchitektin, FinOps-Expertin oder Product Ownerin – ihr erfahrt, welche Rollen in der Cloudtransformation der Bundesbank besonders gefragt sind und welche innovative Projekte diese mitgestalten.
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ResetDie Schwarz Gruppe, einer der größten Handelskonzerne weltweit, setzt auf die transformative Kraft der generativen KI. In dieser Keynote erfährst du, wie die Schwarz Gruppe diese Technologie strategisch einsetzt, um innovative Produkte und Services zu entwickeln und so Mehrwert für Kunden und Mitarbeiter zu schaffen. Erlebe anhand konkreter Beispiele, wie die Schwarz Gruppe die Herausforderungen der Implementierung von GenAI meistert und welche Potenziale sich daraus für die Zukunft des Handels ergeben.
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ResetAutonomous robots are revolutionizing industrial inspections. Discover how Energy Robotics deploys fleets of mobile robots and drones for autonomous inspection rounds, using AI-driven analysis to transform sensor data into actionable digital twins. Learn how these innovations enhance infrastructure security and help to relieve human workers from dull, dirty, and dangerous tasks.
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ResetSQL-Anfragen zu schreiben ist nicht nur aufwendig, es ist zusätzlich notwendig jede benötigte Anfrage vorher zu kennen. Da uns GenAI heute schon in den verschiedensten Unterfangen unterstützen kann – warum also nicht auch bei SQL? Wie wäre es, wenn Nutzer ihre Daten selbst erfragen könnten und nicht den Umweg über einen Entwickler gehen müssten?
In diesem Vortrag schauen wir uns Prompting Techniken an, die uns helfen Nutzer Anfragen in SQL-Anfragen umzuwandeln. Wie ein solches System am Ende aussehen könnte, sehen wir in einer kurzen Demo.
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ResetFarouk Haouami ist Abteilungsleiter bei der C24 Bank im Bereich KI und Betrugsprävention. Er erzählt anschaulich wie die C24 Bank Künstliche Intelligenz einsetzt, um Betrugsversuche effektiv zu erkennen und zu verhindern. Der Vortrag zeigt, wie KI-basierte Systeme dabei helfen, Finanzbetrug zu erkennen, die Effizienz zu steigern und die Sicherheit zu erhöhen. Darüber hinaus werden die Herausforderungen der KI-Implementierung sowie zukünftige Entwicklungen in der Betrugsprävention im Bankensektor thematisiert.
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ResetDu erfährst wie die Schwarz Gruppe Computer Vision einsetzt, um technologische Innovationen mit nachhaltigen Lösungen zu verbinden. Du wirst sehen, wie wir durch den gezielten Einsatz von KI nicht nur die Effizienz steigern, sondern auch Verantwortung für eine umweltbewusste und sichere Zukunft übernehmen. Erlebe, wie wir mit smarter Technologie nachhaltigen Wandel gestalten und gleichzeitig den Anforderungen eines dynamischen Marktumfelds souverän begegnen.
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ResetLarge Language Modelle (LLMs), wie z.B. GPT, haben die Möglichkeiten, wie natürliche Sprache mithilfe von KI verarbeitet werden kann, grundlegend verändert. Aber was heißt das eigentlich? Sind andere KI-Modelle damit jetzt out? In diesem Vortrag gibt die KfW dir einen Einblick, wie KI KfW-Mitarbeitende täglich darin unterstützt, sich einen Überblick über Tausende von Nachrichten zu verschaffen und welche Methoden des Natural Language Processing (NLP), d.h. der Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache, dabei zum Einsatz kommen. Anschließend wird sich angeschaut, wie ein GPT-Modell als Beispiel eines LLMs einige dieser Aufgaben bewältigt und an diesem Beispiel Do’s und Don’ts zum Einsatz von LLMs gezeigt.
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ResetDominance of US clouds has created a bias of thinking in possibilities. Anyone would think you need them absolutely to run anything on the web. Red from parametry.ai is going to bust that myth and show you what’s possible with European data centers, some of the best in the world and a new kid in the corner that makes your data scientist go-to-cloud journey much easier. Running your simple python scripts and dashboards, up to running your own LLM API.
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ResetThis talk explores the concept of intelligence, starting with a review of existing definitions and moving towards a fresh perspective on the different types of intelligence. Challenging the conventional narratives, the discussion highlights several inherent limitations of human intelligence and argues that its evolution has been relatively stagnant. Notably, the talk questions our understanding of what it means to „understand“ in the first place. The presentation shifts to the progress in artificial intelligence, covering different categories like Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI). It addresses AI alignment, biases, and raises the provocative argument that we may already be in the era of AGI, despite humanity’s struggles to even define it. The talk concludes by urging that if we do not evolve ourselves, AI will inevitably surpass us.
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ResetAI has become a key productivity driver in various areas, particularly in use cases where compliance, accuracy, and explainability are less critical. However, the greatest potential for AI lies in its integration into business processes that prioritize data privacy, security, transparency, explainability and accuracy, especially in avoiding hallucinations. This session will explore the technical, operational and economical challenges and propose solutions for successfully integrating AI as digital advisors in these high-stakes areas.
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ResetWie funktioniert Teamwork und Selbstorganisation? Welche Challenges hatten wir in der Vergangenheit und wie lösen wir diese mit einer Umstrukturierung und Fokus auf Efficiency? Wir setzen auf kreative Minds mit spannenden Visionen, um die digitale Transformation anzutreiben.
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ResetAls kommunaler IT-Dienstleister in Hessen bietet ekom21 seit über 50 Jahren den hessischen Kommunen Software, BSI-zertifiziertes Rechenzentrum und viele weitere Services an. Gerade durch das Onlinezugangsgesetz hat sich der Digitalisierungsbedarf/-drang in den Verwaltungen massiv verstärkt und auch globale Themen wie z.B. Starkregen, Energieeinsparungen, CO2-Belastungen benötigen digitale Lösungen. Allgemeine Themen wie Fachkräftemangel und angespannte Haushaltslagen fordern Kommunen ebenso heraus, neue Wege zu gehen.
In ihrem Portfolio besitzen sie heute schon viele Lösungen und werden auch weiterhin ihr Angebot erweitern – und somit auch spannende Berufsbilder und Jobprofile, wo sie noch Unterstützung suchen. Mehr dazu im Vortrag.
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ResetSei es der Klimawandel, die derzeitige Energieknappheit oder steigende Energiepreise, es gibt viele Gründe in allen Bereichen der Gesellschaft CO2 zu vermeiden. Software spielt eine zentrale Rolle in allen Lebensbereichen, während der Energieverbrauch im Bereich der IT stetig steigt. Energiemessungen in den Entwicklungsprozess integriert und Ressourcenbewusst zu entwickeln wird zunehmend wichtig. Wie kann ressourcensparende Softwareentwicklung zum Energiesparen beitragen und was ist grüner Code?
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ResetIn einer sich ständig wandelnden technologischen Landschaft spielt BASF eine führende Rolle bei der Integration innovativer Technologien in der chemischen Industrie.
In diesem Vortrag wird untersucht, wie BASF modernste Ansätze wie zum Beispiel Gamification, Virtual Reality, Zukunftsforschung, Metaverse und E-Sport einsetzt, um nicht nur interne Abläufe zu verbessern, sondern auch die Mitarbeitermotivation zu steigern und kreative Problemlösungen zu fördern.
Zudem wird ein Blick auf die Chancen geworfen, die das Metaverse für die Industrie bietet, und wie BASF sich darauf vorbereitet, diese neue Dimension der Interaktion zu nutzen.
Sei dabei, wenn die faszinierende Verbindung zwischen Technologie und Innovation bei BASF erkundet wird und erfahre, wie diese Elemente unsere Zukunft prägen werden.
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ResetStell dir vor, es ist Montagmorgen, der Kaffee in deiner Hand duftet, du fährst deinen PC hoch und stellst fest: Du hast dir einen Trojaner eingefangen. Einen, der große Teile deiner Infrastruktur zerschossen hat. Sämtliche Geschäftsprozesse sind beeinträchtigt.
Genau das ist einem Kunden der DATAGROUP 2023 passiert.
Wie hättest du reagiert?
DATAGROUP zeigt dir auf, wie die richtige Reaktion auf so eine Situation ist und welche „Do`s and Don`ts“ es bei einem solchen Vorfall gibt. Außerdem zeigen sie dir anhand ihres Kundenbeispiels, wie du solche Fälle vorbeugen kannst.
Sei also gespannt und komm vorbei, denn der Cyber Security Bereich ist für jeden ein wichtiger Baustein in der täglichen Arbeit!
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ResetDurch die digitale Transformation ändert sich unsere Arbeitswelt grundlegend. In diesem TechTalk schauen wir uns an, wie der Einsatz von Cloud-Technologien sowohl die IT-Infrastruktur als auch unsere tägliche Zusammenarbeit verändert. Neben Einblicken in Best Practices bei Einführung und Betrieb von Cloud Collaboration Services werfen wir einen Ausblick auf die Arbeitsumgebung von morgen.
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ResetStatische Code-Analyse spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der automatisierten Einhaltung von Standards und der Vermeidung von Technical Debt. Obwohl das QT-Framework weit verbreitet ist, hinkt die Unterstützung für QML in gängigen DevOps-Tools oft hinterher. In ihrem Vortrag präsentiert die Lufthansa Group, wie Lufthansa Technik eigene Lösungen zur Qualitätssicherung entwickelt hat, um die Softwareentwicklung effizienter zu gestalten. Am Beispiel einer cross-platform embedded UI für Business Jets wird gezeigt, wie auch andere Teams ihren Entwicklungsprozess durch den Einsatz statischer Analyse optimieren können.
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ResetDas Team, welches sich in der Umsetzung befindet, wird immer wichtiger und muss geformt werden. Was unbestreitbar ist, ist dass unsere Mitarbeiter der Treiber für unseren Erfolg sind. Und um das Team bzw. dessen Domain optimal zu formen, ist es wichtig, einen Anfang zu finden. Durch den Vergleich „Was würde ein Gärtner tun“ möchte Schwarz IT frische Impulse und alternative Ideen einbringen, die die Teams zum Nachdenken anregen. Anregung zu geben bringt Bewegung, da die einzige Konstante die Veränderung ist und die Veränderung passiert bei der Person, die man morgens zuerst im Spiegel sieht.
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ResetAndré, Abteilungsleiter für Infrastruktur und IT-Sicherheit bei der C24 Bank, veranschaulicht in diesem Vortrag die umfassende Sicherheitsstrategie einer komplexen, dezentralen On-Premises-Bankeninfrastruktur. Er zeigt auf, wie eine maßgeschneiderte SIEM-Lösung auf Basis von Wazuh als Open-Source-Tool eine ganzheitliche Sicherheitsüberwachung ermöglicht, die sämtliche Server und Netzwerke kontinuierlich überwacht und Bedrohungen frühzeitig erkennt. Besonders im Finanzsektor, mit seinen strengen regulatorischen Anforderungen, stellt die Lösung sicher, dass sicherheitskritische Ereignisse zentral in einem eigenen Security Operations Center (SOC) gesammelt und analysiert werden können. Der Vortrag gibt Einblicke in die technischen Herausforderungen und zeigt, wie die Bank eine widerstandsfähige und konforme Lösung implementiert hat, die auf verschiedenste Bedrohungsszenarien schnell reagiert.
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ResetExtended Reality verändert bereits in vielen Branchen die Art wie wir lernen, neue Produkte entwickeln und kollaborativ Arbeiten. Ein Wirtschaftszweig mit starkem Wachstum der Creative und neue Wege eröffnet. Wie das im Umfeld der Finanzbildung aussehen kann, welche Prototypen wir bereits entwickelt haben und einsetzen, darum geht es in diesem TechTalk
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ResetVor knapp zwei Jahren hat die IT der R+V das SAFe-Framework eingeführt und das traditionelle ‚Plan, Build, Run‘-Modell abgelöst. Diese tiefgreifende Veränderung stellte die gesamte Organisation vor erhebliche Herausforderungen. In ihrem Talk beleuchten sie die speziellen Herausforderungen aus Sicht der Software-Entwicklung und präsentieren effektive Lösungsansätze, die zur erfolgreichen Umstellung beigetragen haben.
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ResetAndrey, René and Martina will guide you to a typical SAP Implementation project and show a few use cases where GenAI can be leveraged within the project for typical client challenges. Participants will break out into teams to ideate more GenAI use cases.
Benötigte Vorkenntnisse: keine
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ResetEver wonder what happens when you make a digital payment? Go behind the scenes of the financial system with Deutsche Bundesbank. This masterclass demystifies the world of payment clearing and settlement, with an eye on the TARGET2 system. You will then delve into the future of money with an in-depth look at the digital euro project – its potential impact, technological challenges, and the roles for skilled IT professionals in its development.
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ResetThis masterclass will guide participants in developing a tailored AI strategy. By exploring AI ambition components, identifying opportunities, and aligning on key initiatives, attendees will gain a clear understanding of how they can define their personal AI ambition.
Benötigte Materialien: None
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73 responses to “Recap ITCS Frankfurt 29.11.2024 | IT Jobmesse Frankfurt”
Woop Woop - It was a dream!
I was there for the first time, very interesting to get an insight into the industry and to get to know the companies there.
The presentations were also very interesting and exciting.
Another great trade fair. You outdo yourselves every time!
Top organised event, so praise to the ITCS people.
I thought that ITCS Messe was only interesting for developers and their employers. But it is much more. Every IT professional can find something interesting. There is a lot for QA, project managers, product managers, SMM and HR specialists and so on.
ITCS fair is for me not only a place where I can talk about perspective job, but a great meeting place with IT community. Every trade fair offers for start-ups make me very happy.
My friend pointed out an important detail. At job fairs, you can talk to various company representatives. You can learn about the details of the corporate culture and environment and get information about non-obvious but important details that you would otherwise only know after a trial period in the company.
I was very impressed by the interest in IT and us as an employer. I am taking away many positive impressions and insights from ITCS. AND... I had a lot of fun!
It was quite useful and a lot of fun. I learnt about companies and met people - exactly what I was up for. The afterparty was great. Big thanks to the organisers and everyone!
Well-organised event. Regular communication about the event by the organising team was very helpful. Got to learn a lot about the job market by interacting with different people from different companies.
I thought it was great. Thank you!
Was an exciting experience looking forward to a next time
There were a lot of interesting companies represented who took a lot of time to answer all my questions. For me, the "line-up" was the best compared to other job fairs in the region.
Great event for networking too - we'd love to do it again next year! 🙂
Thank you ... it was a great event!!!
ITCS exceeded all my expectations! The entire experience was flawless, from exceptional communication to top-notch support. The team's professionalism, expertise, and attention to detail were truly remarkable. I am beyond impressed and grateful for their outstanding service. Highly recommended to anyone seeking excellence! 🌟👏
I particularly enjoyed the WomenInTech section, as the women's presentations were all very inspiring and enriching!
Exciting keynotes and techtalks
Well organised and informative
That was really impressive event, I got some new knowledge and inspiration for my projects!
I thought it was great 🙂
Thank you very much for the opportunity to talk to companies from the Rhine-Main region in person. Thanks to the fair, I was able to make some contacts with potential employers and gain experience in the exchange.
Thats absolutely a wonderful event which helped students alot. Thank you so much .
I attended ITCS Frankfurt 2024 and was thrilled from the very beginning. The organisation was great - from the registration, accompanied by timely reminders and comprehensive information, to the perfect execution and welcome atmosphere on site. The format of the talks, the variety of topics and the speakers were great. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend all the talks I was interested in due to time conflicts, but I will look forward to the recordings. Overall, I can say that it was definitely an inspiring event that I would recommend at any time!
Everything was very interesting! Unfortunately, time was a bit tight. Before the event, my planning looked much more extensive than at the event, as too little time was given to socialising etc.. I also didn't have time for the many wonderful presentations, I only made it to the masterclass. It was great, thank you!
It was really great. We'd love to do it again! There were lots of interesting workshops!
It was a really nicely organised event. Covers a wide range of exhibitions. The venue was easy to access and all the exhibitions were spacious enough to accommodate large number of people
Hello, first of all, a big thank you to everyone involved and to the organisation team! Many thanks to all the exhibitor teams who took the time to answer my questions.
Scanning: I only really experienced/seen this at a few stands. As a visitor, I would also like to be able to scan my counterpart at a company stand - with so much speed dating, it's difficult to remember all the names and it would be fair if we could scan each other ; ) Why? Quite simply: when I write an application afterwards, I want to be able to refer to the conversation with XY.
I would also think it would be good if the specialist teams had an HR person with them who would realise straight away that I would be very interesting for the company from a specialist point of view. Unfortunately, the title of my degree programme and my background are not so clear, and I have the feeling that I am simply sorted out in normal application procedures because I don't fit into the grid... But at the fair, I received completely different feedback at many stands. Felix from the HH-School also confirmed that it happens that companies don't connect anything with some degree programme titles/they are not familiar with them, and that other people also have experiences like mine - studied, professionally educated, professional experience, willing to familiarise themselves (Felix also says: you can't know everything and already know everything)...
Dear companies: which training courses are of interest to you? Which certificates are in demand? Every company has different requirements, but they are not always transparent and can determine suitability. I would like to see more information about this on the ITCS. : )
Otherwise great! Thank you all very much!
Your Svenja
I can't remember ever having so much fun at a trade fair before and at the same time getting so much information and great presentations.
It was really cool. Gladly again
Very well organised! See you next year!
Super great ITCS event! Made a difference! Everyone was in a good mood, wanting to socialise or give advice on how to progress in your career and find new opportunities. All the people and all the booths went out of their way to see if you could join their company. The AI Meetup was also very valuable... Glad I didn't miss the event and the after party... I enjoyed ITCS.
It was cosy
It was a great event. Lots of interesting discussions with the companies and maybe the next employer was there 🙂
ITCS Frankfurt 2024 was a standout event, bringing together tech enthusiasts, professionals, and innovators in a dynamic and well-organised setting. The insightful sessions, networking opportunities, and cutting-edge exhibits created an engaging experience from start to finish.
A special mention goes to the AI Ambition Workshop by Deutsche Börse, which was a true highlight. The masterclass provided a clear and practical understanding of AI strategies, expertly delivered with interactive elements and real-world relevance.
"My first job fair experience in Germany was more than I expected! There were a lot of companies and a lot of people, but I made an important realisation:
If you are a job seeker at a job fair, you expect something concrete from the companies, more than just the statement "Yes, we have jobs on our website, please apply there".
Unfortunately, this was the case with many companies, but some companies really went out of their way to help me. They explained to me exactly what jobs they had and even offered to put me in touch with them:
"This is the job you're looking for. I am the contact person. Please apply on our website and then email me so that I can take care of your application."
I was really impressed by this approach and I hope that more companies will take this approach at job fairs.
#Job fair #Jobsearch #Career #Company #Germany"
Great event so far i saw in Frankfurt!!!
This was my first time to attend ITCS in Germany 2024 and I had most amazing experience. The event was a perfect blend of innovation, networking, and career opportunities.
The best thing was everyone was enjoying flow of information which was circulating in ITCS and making themselves ready for next move by gaining knowledge.
I really enjoyed the event. I tried VR glasses for the first time there. I got a lot of emotions. Thank you very much:)
That was really great! I'm waiting for the next conference
I really enjoyed the programme. I had a lot of fun and gained a lot of insights into many companies.
ITCS Frankfurt was a highlight of my year. The talks were insightful, the networking opportunities were amazing, and the overall atmosphere was inspiring. Can't wait to see what ITCS has in store for us next!
It was a great opportunity to get in touch with IT companies and discover new career prospects. The organisation was great and there were lots of interesting discussions and networking opportunities.
The ITCS Conference Frankfurt 2024 was an incredible experience! Engaging innovation tech talks, cutting-edge insights on AI, exciting goodies, and top-notch networking opportunities made it a standout event. A huge thanks to the organisers and speakers for an inspiring day of tech and innovation!
The event was very cool and informative! I liked it
I was very enthusiastic. It wasn't just a trade fair with companies, but also a fun and adventure event where you could play, enjoy, experience and get to know people. I found something for myself and also saw something new. I am delighted to have been able to come along and experience the whole thing for myself.
To even think this was my very first Tech even in Germany takes my breadth away. The atmosphere was just amazing. 💯🔥
I had the pleasure of attending ITCS Frankfurt 2024, and it was an absolutely fantastic experience! The event was a perfect blend of innovation, networking, and career opportunities. From insightful sessions and inspiring speakers to engaging conversations with representatives from leading companies, every moment was worthwhile.
The combination of professional development and fun activities, like gaming zones and the afterparty, created an amazing atmosphere that encouraged meaningful connections.
Thank you to the organisers for putting together such a well-structured and impactful event. I look forward to seeing how ITCS continues to grow and inspire in the future!
Thank you for your amazing feedback! We're thrilled you had such a great experience at ITCS. Looking forward to welcoming you to future events! 🚀✨
It was a really good experience to attend the event, especially the presentations. I found Lufthansa Industry's presentation very helpful for my professional work.
It was a fantastic event to organise, with numerous opportunities and many successful speakers.
Thank you very much .
Thank you so much for organising such a great event last Friday in Frankfurt! It was a fantastic experience and I really enjoyed networking with everyone. The event was very well organised and I really appreciated the sessions and discussions. It's always a pleasure to be part of the ITCS community. #ITCSFrankfurt #Networking #TechCommunity
I've had a look at the recap page and it's great to see all the highlights in the pictures! I'm already looking forward to the next event in Darmstadt 2025.
I wish you all a relaxing holiday season and a successful start to the new year! #HappyHolidays #ITCS2025
Thank you very much for your kind words! We are delighted that you enjoyed the event. We look forward to seeing you again in Darmstadt in 2025. Happy holidays and a good start to the new year! 🎄✨
It was a great opportunity for me to get to know different IT company teams. Thank you for that.
A great event where I was also able to get to know potential employers.
First time and it was super interesting! Again and again. I learnt something new from the presentations and had contact with companies. I also had a clear idea about the IT market. Until April 2025
It was a great new experience and definitely something different...
The ITCS Frankfurt was an absolutely inspiring and exciting event! 🎉 The mix of innovative talks, networking opportunities and the great atmosphere was simply perfect. I was particularly impressed by the variety of exciting topics and the opportunity to get in touch with so many bright minds. Thank you for this first-class organisation - the event was a highlight of the year! 👏 I'm already looking forward to the next round in Darmstadt and hope that ITCS continues to bring so much inspiration and innovation to the tech community. 💻✨
#ITCSFrankfurt #Innovation #Networking
There were really interesting tech talks on the main stage. For instance from Lufthansa Systems and Deutsche Börse. As always, I received useful information and motivation for development. Thanks a lot for organising!
This is one of the most remarkable events I have ever experienced. It was wonderfully organised, the teams were very humble and answered all my questions. I am already looking forward to another event in the near future. Thank you.
It was an incredibly efficient and "productive" day for me. It was great to be able to ask questions directly and make personal contact with different companies. The opportunity to have real conversations and get immediate answers made all the difference. Compared to the usual application process where you just surf online and upload applications, the fair was a welcome change - more interactive, more personal and much more valuable. Absolutely recommendable!
I have reached the venue at around 12pm and took the id at the registration then moved towards the job fair.I had a fantastic experience attending the ITCS Job Fair Summit in Frankfurt. It was a great opportunity to connect with leading companies in the IT and tech sector, and to learn more about the latest trends and innovations in the industry. The summit provided valuable insights, and the networking opportunities were exceptional. I look forward to future events and the chance to further engage with the vibrant tech community here. I couldn't attend the after-party as I need to travel long distance hope everyone enjoyed🙂
It was a great day. There were many exciting presentations on different stages, sometimes it was difficult to decide which presentation you would rather listen to. The exhibitors were all very nice and you could have great conversations. There was not only talk about careers and the companies, there was also a lot of nerd talk and laughter. There were also plenty of opportunities to switch off and play a little game in between. And there were also several VR stations. Many thanks to everyone who organised the ITCS. It was my first time there and I'm sure it won't be the last. Best regards Eddy
I really enjoyed the tech talks and masterclasses-it was inspiring to hear from industry leaders about current trends and challenges in IT. The job fair was well-organised and provided excellent networking opportunities. I also loved the interactive areas like the arcade games and the chillout zones; they added a fun, relaxed vibe to the day.
Thanks to the organisers for such a well-executed event-I look forward to attending future ITCS events!
ITCS Frankfurt was an amazing event and I had an incredible experience being there! I had the opportunity to explore almost all the exhibitors' stalls and collected brochures from those that matched my skills and practical experience. I even applied for a few open job positions. The energy, the networking opportunities, and the tech talks were all top-notch. I really enjoyed exploring the latest trends and connecting with like-minded individuals. Kudos to the team for organising such a seamless event! It's such a helpful platform, especially for international students and job seekers, to connect with potential employers and take a step closer to their dream jobs in Frankfurt. Can't wait to see what's in store for ITCS Darmstadt next year. Highly recommend it! 🙌🎉
Sher had a good experience .superrr
All participants asked for German level c1/b2, so it was not ideal for me, but I was able to benefit from receiving information about companies.
I had a lot of fun, was able to make contact with various companies such as ovhcloud, medatixx,... etc. The organisation was great. Hope for another year with itcs
It was very interesting, but the feeling was that there were fewer visitors and fewer exhibitors than last year. It was better for discussions, there was less pressure.
Thank you very much for your feedback! There were actually around 300 more visitors this year. We reacted to this and tried to spread everything out a little better to make the experience more pleasant and intense - it's great to hear that you enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere!
It was a change from sitting alone in the home office. I'll be back next year 🙂
I was thoroughly impressed by the event. The sessions were insightful, the speakers were engaging, and the event was well-organised. Networking opportunities were abundant, and the diverse range of topics made it valuable for attendees at all levels. A top-notch experience-I'm looking forward to the next one!
Very insightful event, I was able to interact with several companies and I was advised on how to tailor my applications, which was very useful for me.
I recently attended the ITCS event, and it was an outstanding experience! The sessions were insightful, the organisation was seamless, and the networking opportunities were invaluable. A big thank you to the ITCS team for creating such an engaging and informative platform. Looking forward to the next one!
I found the presentations at all the stands very interesting. I had a lot of fun at the ITCS. I also thought the racing simulations were very cool, but unfortunately I had to wait 40 minutes because there were so many people queuing. In general, I really enjoyed my visit and would like to go to another ITCS event.